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Talk:Potion of the Stalking Cat, Aether

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I'm not sure where the recipe dropped --- maybe The Breach --- so I leave that page for someone else to create. The recipe and potion's effects, however, I can verify.

The in-game item does have two descriptions. I'm not sure what to do in such situations, so I kept both. (Only the second appears to the user. This seems fitting since anyone can see which bonuses it grants --- we list them explicitly). Here's how the in-game item appears:

Potion of the Stalking Cat, Aether
Grants a bonus to Rend, Sneak Attack, and when attacking from behind.

A potion that provides cat-like abilities.

Cooldown: 1 second
<et cetera>

Judlit (talk) 19:19, 18 February 2025 (MST)