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Potion of the Stalking Cat, Aether

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Potion of the Stalking Cat, Aether

A potion that provides cat-like abilities.

Cooldown: 1 second
Weight: 0.3
Value: Gold 10
Item Effects
+2.4% Rend Damage for 1 hour
+2.4% Sneak Attack Boost for 1 hour
+2.4% Attack From Behind Damage Bonus for 1 hour
This item is craftable using the Alchemy recipe of
Recipe: Potion of the Stalking Cat, Aether.

Potion of the Stalking Cat, Aether is an Alchemy craftable item.


Crafting the Alchemy recipe Potion of the Stalking Cat, Aether
Hover your mouse over items or click on them for details.

Required Skill
Alchemy 120

Mortar and Pestle Mortar and Pestle x 1
Chaos Plant Pollen Chaos Plant Pollen x 8
Bone Powder Bone Powder x 10
Cat Claw Cat Claw x 3
Aether Infusion Aether Infusion x 1
Empty Flask, Hardened Empty Flask, Hardened x 3

Potion of the Stalking Cat, Aether Potion of the Stalking Cat, Aether x 3

Lastseen: R134
Mortar and PestleChaos Plant PollenBone PowderCat ClawAether InfusionEmpty Flask, Hardened

Purchased from NPC Merchants

There are currently no NPC merchants that sell Potion of the Stalking Cat, Aether.  This item can occasionally be found on Player Vendors.