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Troll Pelvic Bones

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Troll Pelvic Bones
Troll Pelvic Bones icon.png
This item can be sold, used as decoration, used in crafting recipes, or salvaged at a carpentry station for bone powder.
Raw Material 
Weight: 3
Value: Gold 50

Troll Pelvic Bones is a Raw Material that can be used as a decoration item, salvaged, or used with the Tailoring skill.

Used in recipes

Item Skill Lvl Tool Recipe
Bone Chest Armor icon.pngBone Chest Armor Tailoring icon.pngTailoring 70 Tailoring Scissors icon.pngTailoring Scissors x 1
Troll Rib Cage icon.pngTroll Rib Cage x 1
Bone Plate icon.pngBone Plate x 7
Wax icon.pngWax x 4
Troll Pelvic Bones icon.pngTroll Pelvic Bones x 1


Baern'Dawl the Lonely
Goruk Mansmasher
Mountain Troll
Torc'Dawl the Unbreakable


By destroying this item using a Carpentry Station and the Salvage Item recipe, you have a chance to obtain the following. If an item states specifically it has a pattern in the item description, the stated pattern will always be obtained:

Salvage Item
Bone PowderBone Powder (0-1)