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Troll Rib Cage

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Troll Rib Cage
Troll Rib Cage icon.png
This item can be sold, used in crafting recipes or salvaged at a carpentry station for bone powder.
Raw Material 
Weight: 5
Value: Gold 50

Troll Rib Cage is a raw material.


Baern'Dawl the Lonely
Goruk Mansmasher
Mountain Troll
Torc'Dawl the Unbreakable
Troll Twin

Used in recipes

Item Skill Lvl Tool Recipe
Bone Chest Armor icon.pngBone Chest Armor Tailoring icon.pngTailoring 70 Tailoring Scissors icon.pngTailoring Scissors x 1
Troll Rib Cage icon.pngTroll Rib Cage x 1
Bone Plate icon.pngBone Plate x 7
Wax icon.pngWax x 4
Troll Pelvic Bones icon.pngTroll Pelvic Bones x 1
Wooden Plate icon.pngTroll Spare Ribs Cooking icon.pngCooking 70 Cooking Pot.pngCooking Pot x 1
Chunk of Coal icon.pngChunk of Coal x 1
Troll Rib Cage icon.pngTroll Rib Cage x 1
Garlic icon.pngGarlic x 4
Pepper icon.pngPepper x 2
Sack of Sugar icon.pngSugar x 1


By destroying this item using a Carpentry Station and the Salvage Item recipe, you have a chance to obtain the following. If an item states specifically it has a pattern in the item description, the stated pattern will always be obtained:

Salvage Item
Bone PowderBone Powder (0-1)