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Two-Handed Mace of Elemental Slaying, Uncommon

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Two-Handed Mace of Elemental Slaying, Uncommon
Two-handed Mace icon.png
This heavy two-handed mace with red accents appears to have special properties for breaking enchantments.
Mace - Bludgeon 
Durability: 220/220
Weight: 7
Value: Gold 500
Hits 3 Targets
Damage: 10 - 32
Critical: 6%
Strength Bonus: Very High
Parry: 7 - 21 damage reduction

Two-Handed Mace of Elemental Slaying, Uncommon is an Artifact item.


Crafting the Smelting recipe Two-Handed Mace of Elemental Slaying, Uncommon
Hover your mouse over items or click on them for details.

Required Skill
Smelting 1


Stone Chisel Stone Chisel x 1
Two-Handed Mace of Elemental Slaying, Common Two-Handed Mace of Elemental Slaying, Common x 4
Chunk of Coal Chunk of Coal x 100
Ancient Essence Ancient Essence x 1

Two-Handed Mace of Elemental Slaying, Uncommon Two-Handed Mace of Elemental Slaying, Uncommon x 1

Lastseen: R88
Stone ChiselTwo-Handed Mace of Elemental Slaying, CommonChunk of CoalAncient Essence

Used in recipes

Item Skill Lvl Tool Recipe
Two-handed Mace icon.pngTwo-Handed Mace of Elemental Slaying, Rare Smelting icon.pngSmelting 1 Chisel icon.pngStone Chisel x 1
Chunk of Coal icon.pngChunk of Coal x 100
Ancient Essence icon.pngAncient Essence x 2
Two-handed Mace icon.pngTwo-Handed Mace of Elemental Slaying, Uncommon x 4

See Also[edit]