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Two-Handed Mace of Elemental Slaying, Common

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Two-Handed Mace of Elemental Slaying, Common
Two-handed Mace icon.png
This heavy two-handed mace with red accents appears to have special properties for breaking enchantments.
Mace - Bludgeon 
Durability: 220/220
Weight: 7
Value: Gold 125
Hits 3 Targets
Damage: 10 - 31
Critical: 6%
Strength Bonus: Very High
Parry: 7 - 20 damage reduction

Two-Handed Mace of Elemental Slaying, Common is an Artifact item.

Where Found[edit]

Two-Handed Mace of Elemental Slaying, Common can be obtained from loot from Satyr Fighter and Repair the Spirit Wheel daily quest.[1]

Used in recipes

Item Skill Lvl Tool Recipe
Two-handed Mace icon.pngTwo-Handed Mace of Elemental Slaying, Uncommon Smelting icon.pngSmelting 1 Chisel icon.pngStone Chisel x 1
Chunk of Coal icon.pngChunk of Coal x 100
Ancient Essence icon.pngAncient Essence x 1
Two-handed Mace icon.pngTwo-Handed Mace of Elemental Slaying, Common x 4

See Also[edit]


Release 88 added various common artifacts from various sources:

  • Added Common Two-Handed Mace of Unsummoning to Satyr fighter loot tables, will increasing chances with higher tiers. Also added this common version of the artifact to the “Repair the Spirit Wheel” daily in Tanglemire as an additional reward.
