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Use or Sell Runestone
This is a Daily Quest in Ulfheim.
Talk to Kaiser, who is standing at the Southwest entrance/exit of Ulfheim, and ask him about "runestone".
The Ulfheim Runestone drops as loot from the humanoid barbarians (particularly the spellcasters). You can carry only one of these runestones at a time.
The Ulfheim Runestone can be utilized in any of the following ways:
- Activate a Teleport Pad - see below for details on how the teleporters function.
- Offer the Runestone to a Virtue Monolith - see below for details on how the monoliths function.
- Use the Runestone as Deco - this item is account bound item, so it can only be placed on your own property.
- Sell the Runestone to Kaiser - Kaiser is at the Southwest entrance/exit of Ulfheim. If you ask him about "Runestone", you can give him the runestone and he will "pay" you gold and 40,960 experience points (or 81,920 during double XP).
The Ulfheim Teleporters[edit]
Ther are 4 teleport pads in Ulfheim:
- Valley Pad - located in the valley (between the two large wooden gates).
- Treehouse pad - located near the area with the treehouses.
- Village pad - located in the small village in the mountains (you reach this village by crossing the wooden footbridge than spans over the valley). This pad is on the second floor of one of the buildings in the village.
- Grand Hall pad - located just outside the grand hall (i.e. near the building where the final wave battle takes place).
The Valley Pad and the Village Pad do not have an "Arcane Panel".
The Treehouse Pad and the Grand Hall Pad both have an "Arcane Panel" (and start out having a blue swirly aura), which indicates that these pads can be activated with the Ulfheim Runestone. To activate one of these pads, click on the "Arcane Panel" (which will remove the runestone from your inventory and insert it into the panel). When you activate a pad, teleporting can be accomplished in the following ways:
- Activation of the Treehouse Pad - allows you to teleport back and forth between the Treehouse Pad and the Valley Pad (which allows you to bypass the wooden gate that separates Valley and the Treehouse area). While these 2 teleporters are active, they both will have a swirling blue aura for about 5 minutes, during which you can freely teleport between the two pads. After the 5 minutes, the teleporters "shut off", and you will need another runestone to activate them.
- Activation of the Grand Hall Pad - allows you to teleport back and forth between the Village Pad and the Grand Hall Pad (which allows you to bypass the wooden gate that separates the Village and the Grand Hall. While these 2 teleporters are active, they both will have a swirling blue aura for about 5 minutes, during which you can freely teleport between the two pads. After the 5 minutes, the teleporters "shut off", and you will need another runestone to activate them.
You do not need to use the teleporters to escape the wave battle areas. You can use a vine to climb over a gate/wall or jump from the mountain back into the valley to bypass some gates.
Uflheim Virtue Monoliths[edit]
There are 6 virtue monoliths in Ulfheim. All of the monoliths are located in the area outside of the Hunter's Gate (i.e. outside the large wooden gate that has the dragon skulls hanging on its doors). Offering an Ulfheim Runestone to one of the monoliths will cause a change in your virtue (offer the runestone by left-clicking on the offering bowl in front of the monolith). The effect for offering the runestone to each monolith is shown below.
- Despise Monolith - negatively effects Love virtue.
- Compassion Monolith - positively effects Love virtue.
- Deceipt Monolith - negatively effects Truth virtue.
- Honesty Monolith - positively effects Truth virtue.
- Dastard Monolith - negatively effects Courage virtue.
- Valor Monolith - positively effects Courage virtue.