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Attunement increases the power of the skills and the resistance to effects of a specific school of magic. Attunement is not a skill in of itself; it is a calculated value. Each magic school has its own attunement value.

Base Attunement[edit]

Base attunement is the average of the ten highest glyph/skill levels within a given Magic school (including both active and innate skills). Unlearned skills count as level 0. Base attunement for a given magic school can be increased by training the skills within that school.

The equation for base attunement is:

  • Base Attunement for the specific magic school = (sum of the 10 highest level skills within the magic school)/10

Overall Attunement[edit]

The overall attunement for a magic school is the base attunement plus (or minus) any attunement buffs (or debuffs) from equipping certain items, from consuming certain foods/potions, and from acquiring certain buffs/blessings. The overall attunement for a magic school is displayed in the skills window when the specific magic school is selected (the overall attunement for the selected magic type is shown at the top of the window and under the Attunement.png icon).

Sun Attunement icon.png Sun Attunement (Atenism)
Earth Attunement icon.png Earth Attunement (Gaiaism)
Lunar Attunement icon.png Moon Attunement (Lunaism)
Death Attunement icon.png Death Attunement (Necromancy)
Fire Attunement icon.png Fire Attunement (Sorcery)
Water Attunement icon.png Water Attunement (Tempestry)
Life Attunement icon.png Life Attunement (Thaumaturgy)
Air Attunement icon.png Air Attunement (Theurgy)
Chaos Attunement icon.png Chaos Attunement (Chaos)

See Also[edit]