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Caravaggios Wolf

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Caravaggios Wolf
Location: Ardoris

Continent: Novia

Title: Reputable Art Dealer
First Seen: Release 35

Caravaggios Wolf is a Reputable Art Dealer that can be found in a building south of the Oracle Conservatory in Ardoris.

  • Greetings. I am Caravaggios Wolf. You may look around, but please know all of my current paintings and artworks are already sold. I am a dealer of fine art. I specialize in being able to identify the world's greatest paintings. I am particularly skilled in discerning between original works of art, authorized copies, and skilled forgeries.


Keyword Spoiler


  • painting then forgeries

Quest/Output Overview:

Keyword Spoiler


  • framed map

Quest/Output Overview:

Keyword Spoiler


  • Scott Jones

Quest/Output Overview:

  • Manually typing this keyword and pressing enter will trade a Painting of Scott Jones with Special Frame for a Painting of Scott Jones with Alternate Black Special Frame, and vice versa.

Easter Egg[edit]

Caravaggios Wolf is named after a real world artist (Stephen Daniele) who did some art work for Shroud of the Avatar: see this post for details.

“Caravaggio’s Wolf” in-games sells paintings and tapestries that are based on the concept art done by Stephen “Caravaggio’s Wolf” Daniele. [1]

See Also[edit]
