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Northwest Blackblade Mountains

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Northwest Blackblade Mountains
NW BB Mtns C.jpg
Scene Difficulty: Zonetier.pngZonetier.pngZonetier.pngZonetier.pngZonetier.pngZonetier.png
This scene can have creatures above the scenes stated Tier Level
Location: South Paladis

Release: Episode 1

Northwest Blackblade Mountains is a Tier 6+ Adventuring Area.


Points of interest[edit]


The loot information stated is only a reference for known drops. The chance for these items to drop vary by creature and scene. Adv Exp stated is the default Adv Exp when in a scene in a Private instance not in a party.

Creature Hit Points Damage Adv Exp Gold Loot
Aether Corpion 13712 0-198 60000 Gold 13-13 Corpse Wax Corpse Wax (0-3), Aether Corpion Poison Gland Aether Corpion Poison Gland (0-1)
Aether Dragon Unknown 0-787+ Unknown Gold 678-678 Gem Fragment Gem Fragment (0-1), Uncut Gem Uncut Gem (0-1), Aether Dragon Head Aether Dragon Head (0-1), Dragon Haunch Dragon Haunch (0-1)
Ancient Yellow Dragon 23355-25220 5-737+ 200000 Gold 500-1000 Gem Fragment Gem Fragment (0-1), Uncut Gem Uncut Gem (0-1), Yellow Dragon Head Yellow Dragon Head (0-1), Dragon Haunch Dragon Haunch (0-1)
Darkstarr Corpion 1358 Unknown 8000 Gold 0 Animal Hide Animal Hide (0-3), Aortic Thrombus Aortic Thrombus (0-1), Corpion Claw Corpion Claw (0-1), Corpion Poison Gland Corpion Poison Gland (0-7), Suet Suet (0-1), Corpion Tail Corpion Tail (0-1)
Darkstarr Destroyer 29991 Unknown 80000 Gold 0 Animal Hide Animal Hide (0-3), Aortic Thrombus Aortic Thrombus (0-1), Corpion Claw Corpion Claw (0-1), Corpion Poison Gland Corpion Poison Gland (0-89), Suet Suet (0-1), Corpion Tail Corpion Tail (0-1)
Ebon Cultist Archer 627 Unknown 1760 Gold 0-41 Poison Potion Poison Potion (0-1), Arrow Arrow (0-10), Long Bow Long Bow (0-1), Potion of Focus Potion of Focus (0-1), Ragged Leather Helm Ragged Leather Helm (0-1), Supply Bundle (Grey) Supply Bundle (Grey) (0-1)
Ebon Cultist Fighter 623 Unknown 2000 Gold 0-52 Ceramic Goblet Ceramic Goblet (0-1), Limehouse Sword Limehouse Sword (0-1)
Ebon Cultist High Wizard 995 Unknown 6000 Gold 0-65 Cure Poison Potion Cure Poison Potion (0-1), Lesser Staff Lesser Staff (0-1), Lesser Wand Lesser Wand (0-1), Mandrake Root Mandrake Root (0-1), Obsidian Chip Obsidian Chip (0-2), Serpent Scale Serpent Scale (0-1)
Faun 515 Unknown 2600 Gold 0
Fire Elemental 362 Unknown 4000 Gold 0
Greater Daemon 10698 Unknown 60000 Gold 0-565 Gem Fragment Gem Fragment (0-1), Chunk of Coal Chunk of Coal (0-1), Uncut Gem Uncut Gem (0-1), Daemon Hoof Daemon Hoof (0-1), Daemon Trident Daemon Trident (0-1), Heart of Vrul Heart of Vrul (0-1), Obsidian Chip Obsidian Chip (0-24), Recipe: Mystical Chain of Power Recipe: Mystical Chain of Power (0-1), Serpent Scale Serpent Scale (0-59), Silver Ore Silver Ore (0-2), Wax Wax (0-6), Humanoid Loot Humanoid Loot (0-1), Player Crafted Loot Player Crafted Loot (0-1)
Huge Corpion 435 Unknown 2400 Gold 0 Animal Hide Animal Hide (0-3), Aortic Thrombus Aortic Thrombus (0-1), Corpion Claw Corpion Claw (0-1), Corpion Poison Gland Corpion Poison Gland (0-3), Suet Suet (0-1), Corpion Tail Corpion Tail (0-1)
Sand Elemental 434 Unknown Unknown Gold 9-25
Satyr Archer 789 Unknown Unknown Gold 0
Satyr Fighter 859-1834 Unknown 6000 Gold 0
Satyr Mage 629 Unknown 6400 Gold 0
Skeleton Archer 1633 Unknown Unknown Gold 0-86 Arrow Arrow (0-13), Corpse Wax Corpse Wax (0-4), Long Bow Long Bow (0-1), Poison Potion Poison Potion (0-1)
Skeleton Warrior 2079 Unknown Unknown Gold 0-21 Ancient Montante Ancient Montante (0-1), Corpse Wax Corpse Wax (0-6)
Yellow Dragon 8000 0-419 60000 Gold 500-900 Crafting Experience Crafting Experience (0-10000), Gem Fragment Gem Fragment (0-1), Dragon Haunch Dragon Haunch (0-1), Obsidian Chip Obsidian Chip (0-22), Potion of Health, Lesser Potion of Health, Lesser (0-1), Cut Gem Cut Gem (0-1), Serpent Scale Serpent Scale (0-40), Yellow Dragon Head Yellow Dragon Head (0-1), Yellow Dragon Egg Yellow Dragon Egg (0-1), Ring of the Sun, Common Ring of the Sun, Common (0-1)
Young Yellow Dragon 2263 Unknown 8000 Gold 0 Serpent Scale Serpent Scale (0-1-14), Animal Hide Animal Hide (0-1)
Juvenile Yellow Dragon Unknown Unknown Unknown Gold 0


Resource Node Craft Exp Skill Yield
Copper Ore Unknown MiningMining icon.png Copper Ore Copper Ore (0-1)
Ash Deposit Unknown MiningMining icon.png Sulfurous Ash Sulfurous Ash (0-5)


  • Additionally, we have completely rebuilt Northwest Blackblade Mountains (it was previously a clone of another scene) and it now contains a devastated arid landscape of dragon bones, mesas, sand, and possible dragon encounters![1]

