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To begin the Grand Tour, speak with the Tour Guide. He seems to be missing from the usual starting area of Soltown, but you can find him nearby in Hometown.
Good day, avatar! I offer a special reward for travelling around our fair land! Simply find me in the following locations - Hometown, Etceter, Nightshade Pass, Brittany Graveyard, and Mariah Overlook! Isn't it grand? If you can find me and speak to me in ALL of these places, I will gift a SPECIAL REWARD that can only be earned this month! I can also update you on your progress if you wish.
My primary designation is SLT-10101. Thank you for your inquiry.
This month's reward is a stylish Pilgrim's Bonnet! Be the envy of all your friends - at least the ones who haven't completed the Grand Tour this month!
Hometown is an island run by the Novia Grand Tours Agency and Realty Company! (Marcus Gorn, proprietor.) Its star attraction, the Parade of Homes is a showplace for all the finest architecture available to settlers of our fair continent, many of whom are outlanders just like yourself! You can find Hometown (and you should!) on a small island just east of Soltown, off the coast.
Etceter is a city on the northern coast of Quel, west of the Perennial Coast. Many people journey there to gain passage to Elysium and Xenos!
Nightshade Pass is the pass between the Blackblade mountains and the Serpent's Spine, roughly in the center of Novia, east of Paladis. The Obsidian fortress of Hilt can be found there!
The Brittany Graveyard is just outside of Brittany, the largest city of Novia on the north central coast! It is not actually used by the residents of Brittany, but where the first group of outlanders from an age past are interred. You can talk to the groundskeeper to learn more about this curious place!
Mariah Overlook can be found near Vertas, in the Mariah Mountains! It once hosted a mummer's festival, but alas, the Amphitheater remains silent...
The Tour Guide can be found in the following locations:
The designation of the guides are: Hometown is HOM-10101, Etceter is TSE-1221, Nightshade Pass is SMT-2017, Brittany Graveyard is SFT-1221, and Mariah Overlook is WFY-1221.
To begin the Grand Tour, speak with the Tour Guide, who can be found near the starting area in Soltown.
Good day, avatar! I offer a special reward for travelling around our fair land! Simply find me in the following locations - Soltown Catacombs, Solania Catacombs, Tower of the Shuttered Eye, and the Desolate Hills! Isn't it grand? If you can find me and speak to me in ALL of these places, I will gift a SPECIAL REWARD that can only be earned this month! I can also update you on your progress if you wish.
My primary designation is SLT-10101. Thank you for your inquiry.
This month's reward is a stylish Plague Doctor's Mask! Be the envy of all your friends - at least the ones who haven't completed the Grand Tour this month!
The Soltown Catacombs can be reached from the graveyard in Soltown!
The Solania Catacombs can be reached from a passage under a bridge in Solania! Solania is north and west of the Perennial Trail, near Lake Celestis! You can also reach it directly via the Soltown Catacombs... if you find the secret door!
The Tower of the Shuttered Eye is in the southeast of Novia, in the swamps! You can see it from quite far away!
The Desolate Hills is west of the Perennial Trail, near the Necropolis. It is fairly dangerous, and the tour guide may be hiding out of sight!
Just... trying to stay in character. Is it too much? It's too much, isn't it. I'm sure my exoskeleton will grow back soon...
The Tour Guide can be found in the following locations:
To begin the Grand Tour, speak with the Tour Guide, who can be found near the starting area in Soltown.
Good day, avatar! I offer a special reward for travelling around our fair land! Simply find me in the following locations - Blood River, South Brightbone Woods, West Perennial Trail, and the Etceter Crag Mines! Isn't it grand? If you can find me and speak to me in ALL of these places, I will gift a SPECIAL REWARD that can only be earned this month! I can also update you on your progress if you wish.
My primary designation is SLT-10101. Thank you for your inquiry.
This month's reward is a stylish Steampunk Goggles! Be the envy of all your friends - at least the ones who haven't completed the Grand Tour this month!
The Tour Guide can be found in the following locations:
To begin the Grand Tour, speak with the Tour Guide, who can be found near the starting area in Soltown.
Good day, avatar! I offer a special reward for travelling around our fair land! Simply find me in the following locations - Desolis, the Epitaph, the South Grunvald Barrens, and Wynton's Folly! Isn't it grand? If you can find me and speak to me in ALL of these places, I will gift a SPECIAL REWARD that can only be earned this month! I can also update you on your progress if you wish.
My primary designation is SLT-10101. Thank you for your inquiry.
This month's reward is a stylish Highwayman Hat! Be the envy of all your friends - at least the ones who haven't completed the Grand Tour this month!
Desolis is a trading post in the midst of the Grunvald desert, north of Solace Bridge. It's very popular with people seeking to explore the Epitaph for relics of the Obsidians!
The Epitaph is an old fortress of the Obsidian Order next to Desolis. It holds many secrets!
The southern Grunvald Barrens are in the desert north of the Perennial Coast. It's near the Grunvald Shardfall which you can see some distance away!
Wynton's Folly is a desert in the Hidden Vale, which you can reach via a boat from Ardoris. It's in the sourthern part of the Vale!
The Tour Guide can be found in the following locations:
The Epitaph Tour Guide's primary designation is SMT-2017, the Southern Grunvald Barrens Tour Guide's is SFT-1221, and the Wynton's Folly Tour Guide's is WFY-1221.
To begin the Grand Tour, speak with the Tour Guide, who can be found near the starting area in Soltown.
"Good day, avatar! We are still recovering from last month's Grand Tour shutdown. If you'd like to help, our Master of Hats is looking for assistance."
Asking about the Master of Hats will give you the quest.
"The Master of Hats is the designer of all the hats that the Grand Tour gives out! He is one of the greatest tailors in all the realm! He has put out an appeal for help, which is very rare for him! You can find him in Solania, at the top of the crafting hall!
My primary designation is SLT-10101. Thank you for your inquiry.
Text needed
Yes, it was quite frightening! All our tour guides were captured by a group of kobolds in revenge for some bandits stealing one of their experimental cannons! Luckily, they were rescued and the kobolds have returned to their own lands. The Master of Hats is now trying to restart the Grand Tour!
Solania is on the shores of Lake Celestis, west and north of Soltown!
"A good solid name, that is. I am called the Master of Hats by some, and I have work for you, if you are willing."
Ask about work to continue the quest.
"As part of my contract with the grand tour, I am trying to restart production of enough hats for all in the realm who wish to take part. However, we're running critically short of the raw materials needed to start production! If you can bring me 30 pieces of raw staple cotton and 30 sheets of rich imbued leather hides, we can start work on making these hats immediately."
I wrote of the Master of Hat's request in my journal.
My primary designation is Chris Spears, Master of Hats. Thank you for your inquiry.
All things considered, I'm in fairly decent health.
Well, that's what some call me. I prefer to think of myself as a craftsman. Through the years we have managed to come up with a wide variety of hats.
It's a special type of cotton that isn't used by many crafters, but we find it perfect for hat linings! I need 30 of them. If you have them collected, please let me know you are ready to turn them in along with the leather.
What we call "rich imbued leather hides" are what most leatherworkers pass over. It's best if you don't ask too many questions about what specifically they are imbued with, but just know it makes for the softest hat felt! I require 30 of these special leather hides. Please let me know if you are ready to turn them in along with the cotton!
There are some interesting things on the topic which I may talk about at a later date!
Combat's one of the most important things to understand in a dangerous world like ours! There is much work to be done to fully understand this...
Farewell, avatar!
Raw Staple Cotton can be harvested from any cotton plant, and Rich Imbued Leather Hide can be harvested from any creature that gives Animal Hides. Collect thirty of each, then return to the Master of Hats and say that you are ready to turn them in. A window for giving items to NPCs is displayed; drag both stacks of items to the right and click Give Items.
"Please hand me the 30 raw staple cotton and 30 rich imbued leathers now if you have them!"
"Thank you! I think that's enough to get the production lines moving again! Here's one of the first prototype hates for your trouble. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to think about skills and combat for a bit."
To begin the Grand Tour, speak with the Tour Guide, who can be found near the starting area in Soltown.
"Good day, avatar! I regret to inform you the Grand Tour has been cancelled."
Asking why it was cancelled will give you the quest.
"Unfortunately, all our tour guide automations have been kidnapped. It is really most peculiar. They were last seen being held prisoner by a group of kobolds in Quel, in the southwest of Novia. If you have a chance, could you look into what has happened? Thank you, avatar!
It's gotten more difficult to hire human tour guides since so many kept getting captured. This month has been the worst yet. We really must upgrade the self-preservation routines in our operating parameters.
Why would kobolds take our automations captive? We have no aggressive programming within our default parameterized routines! It is most peculiar.
I'm afraid I can't be much more help on where these kobolds are. I'm sure there should be some sign of them in the area though. Kobolds are rarely seen in Quel.
"Hrmph. I will speak. I am sure you are here about our captives."
Ask about the captives, and he will reply:
"Yes, we took your robots prisoner. You humans send them everywhere and then case after them. We see they are important to you. Now we have them. We will have them until you return what is ours."
Agree to return what is theirs, and he will update your quest.
"H'RRRRR'K! A powerful kobold weapon was stolen from our armory! Humans cannot use it, only kobolds. But humans steal it anyway because humans have no honor and are thieves. Humans even steak from humans! HRR'RRK! You find this weapon. I do not know where it is. YOU FIND IT. You return this weapon. Then we will leave and let our prisoners go home. HRRR'RRK! Those are the terms of Kormag, leader of this expedition. I speak for Korabar! I speak for kobolds! You go now. Find weapon. Return weapon."
My name is Kormag. I am expedition commander. I speak for Korabar. I speak for kobolds. You speak to me with respect.
I am a soldier for Korabar, leader of the kobolds! HR'RRRK!
I am well enough to fight you, human! HK'RRRRK!
It is not often kobolds come this far into human lands. But we come with good reason. Something of value was stolen from us. When it is recovered, we will leave.
Korabar is our leader! KRRR'RRK! He is mighty and strong and leads all the kobolds! Strongest of us! Wisest of us! Most honorable of us! HR'RRK! You humans call him "king" but we do not need titles to give resect. HRRR'K.
Humans think we kobolds are feeble and stupid. HR'RRK. We know better. We will show you.
Kobolds mighty and strong! We rise, and humans fall! SKR'RRRRK! You will see!
Many humans do not show respect, SKRR'RRRK, they think we are stupid and puny and weak! We know differently, HRR'RRK. We are morally superior to you humans. Kobolds never fight wars among kobolds, and humans cannot say the same, HRR'RK!
How humans hold so much land without honor and being stupid kobolds do not understand. Perhaps humans breed too much. It is something for our wise men to study. Stop breeding, human.
Humans think we are weak, but humans are the ones who are weak! We work together, we build things you humans never understand! HR'RRK! We work together, we fight together. Humans do not know there things! You kill, you steal, you fight each other. Humans weak! SKRRR'RRK! You do not deserve respect!
You seek to free our prisoners. We seek something as well. We seek justice. You humans stole something of value.
Ask Norgard how weak we are! If you can find them. They seem to run away! SK'RRRRRK!
Norgard will fall! KRRRK!
Skrekk is our home, HRR'RRK! You must be very brave and honorable to gain entrance! SKRR'RRRRRK! Talk to the guards there, they will tell you! HRRR'RRRK!
Do not know. If I knew I send kobolds and they take it. You ask prisoners. They probably know. We cannot talk to them. They are stupid.
Stay out of our way, human! SKR'RRRRK!
Head down to the prisoners and speak to the human named Ned.
"Finally, someone who isn't a kobold threatening to kill me."
Ask him about the threats, and he will let you know what you need.
"They keep asking me about their stupid weapon. It's right where my boys left it, in the Etceter Crag Mines... I keep telling them... but they won't listen! They say everything I say is a lie because I'm a human, but then why do they keep asking me questions? It doesn't make any sense."
"SK'RRRRK! Good human. I take that now. You might harm yourself. Here is a reward for you. It is a mask that makes you look not hideous. You will still stand bad and talk funny but you at least will not be so ugly. HR'RRRK! Prisoners can go now. We can go now. You go. Go."
A reward has been added to your account!
I wrote of this in my journal.
Item added to your inventory!
The steps needed for the quest can be found in the following locations:
Continue west through West Perennial Trail until you reach a fork in the road with Necropolis directly in front of you @(151.4, 14.1, -380.6)
Head North-West through Brightbone pass.
Cross two bridges. Second bridge @(-179.3,12.5,-274.1) before you reach Crag Mines. Immediately turn hard left, South-East for a few seconds then South-South-West and up into the hills.
After a minute of heading South-South-West in the hills you will see a wooden camp.
The clockwork guides captured by the kobolds are malfunctioning, but asking them where the weapon is will give you the correct clue: "ERROR in interrogation/response/Etceter Crag Mines!"
Asking the guides their names results in an error, and you learn the primary designation for each. The Spectral Mines Tour Guide is TSE-1221, the Necropolis Barrens Tour Guide is SLT-1221, the Grunvald Barrens Tour Guide is SFT-1221, and the Perennial Trail Tour Guide is SMT-2017. "EXCEPTION: primary designation SMT-2017 reporting has thrown errors. Halted."
The Spectral Mines are located northwest of Solania, in the Spectral Peaks mountains! They are pretty dangerous, and lots of tour guides get lost there.
The eastern half of the Perennial Trail runs between Soltown and Ardoris!
The Necropolis Barrens are west of Ardoris, part the Perennial Trail! They are very dangerous since the undead began fighting the living, so you should be very careful!
The northern Grunvald Barrens are in the desert north of the Perennial Coast. it's near the Grunvald Shardfall which you can see some distance away!
PaxLair is a new settlement on the northern coast of Novia! It's a long way, but it's worth the trip - it's very beautiful, and the people who live there are awfully friendly!
The Tour Guide can be found in the following locations:
The Ardoris Sewers are underneath the city of Ardoris! You can find the entrance just to the north of the bridge leading to Priestess Khasi's palace!
The Solania Catacombs can be reached in a small crypt in the swamps near the very edge of town but still within it, by the lake!
The Soltown sewers can be reached via a crypt in the Soltown graveyard outside of town!
Owl's Head is a city in the Hidden Vale, which can be reached via a boat from Ardoris! Then from there, travel west and north from Kingsport! The Owl's Head sewers can be reached by a gate just off the southern bridge leading into town!
The Savrenoc Stronghold is home to a group of dark elves that call themselves the Legion of the Obsidian Eye! Getting to the tour guide might be dangerous! But if you want to try, it is within the Savrenoc Forests in Grunvald, to the north of Ardoris and the Perennial Coast!
The Tour Guide can be found in the following locations:
To begin the Grand Tour, speak with the Tour Guide, who can be found near the starting area in Soltown.
"Good day, avatar! I offer a special reward for travelling around our fair land! Simply find me in the following locations - Soltown, the Spectral Mines, the Solace Forest, Ardoris' town square, and the Necropolis! Isn't it grand? If you can find me and speak to me in ALL of these places, I will gift a SPECIAL REWARD that can only be earned this month! I can also update you on your progress if you wish."
After speaking to each Tour Guide, you will receive an update:
"Your visit is recorded! Ask me if you need an update on your progress, and good luck on the rest of the grand tour."
Speaking with the final Tour Guide will complete the quest:
"You've completed the Grand Tour! The Black Lepus Mask shall be yours! Congratulations!"
This month's reward is a stylish Black Lepus Mask! Be the envy of all your friends - at least the ones who haven't completed the Grand Tour this month!
This weekend's grand tour is to the following locations - Soltown, the Spectral Mines, the Solace Forest, Ardoris' town square, and the Necropolis! Find me and talk to me in all of these locations for your reward!.
Soltown is a nice quiet town that can be found between Solace Bridge and Ardoris in Novia!
The Spectral Mines are an ancient mining complex; rumor has it it has been taken over by a dangerous cult! It can be found north of Solania, past the lake! You may have to look for a while to find the correct path... We haven't heard from the tour guide since last month, he may have been taken deeper within the caves!
The Solace Forest is the heavily wooded area west of Solace Bridge, north of Ardoris!
Ardoris is the jewel of the Perennial Coast! You can get there from boats out of Kingsport, or along the southern coast of Novia! The four guide will be underneath the status of Sequanna!
Necropolis can be found west of Ardoris, along the coast in the hills! Be careful, it is quite dangerous!
The Tour Guide can be found in the following locations:
This month's reward is a stylish Silver Jester Carnival Mask! Be the envy of all your friends - at least the ones who haven't completed the Grand Tour this month!
Solania is a quiet town. It can be found northwest of Ardoris, next to a lake!
The Spectral Mines are an ancient mining complex; rumor has it it has been taken over by a dangerous cult! It can be found north of Solania, past the lake! You may have to look for a while to find the correct path...
The Restless Woods can be found west of the Perennial Trail, some ways to the west of Ardoris along the coast!
Blackblade Pass is a perilous mountain pass within far Midmaer. For now, the only way for you to get there is through the Owl's Head lunar rift!
Verdantis Shardfall is a VERY DANGEROUS place where the pieces of the moons have fallen from the sky! The arcane energies released make everything unpredictable. Your friends may be driven to attack you! Take special care! You can reach it via a ferry from the docks in Ardoris.
The Perennial Trail is the main roadway from Ardoris, along the coast. Head west and you should find a tour guide!
The Tour Guide can be found in the following locations:
To begin the Grand Tour, speak with the Tour Guide, who can be found near the starting area in Braemar.
"Good day, avatar! I offer a special reward for travelling around our fair land! Simply find me in the following locations - the Wyrmsands, Brightbone Pass, the Moors of Northshore, Deep Ravenswood, and the fearsome Grunvald Shardfall! Isn't it grand? If you can find me and speak to me in ALL of these places, I will gift a SPECIAL REWARD that can only be earned this month! I can also update you on your progress if you wish."
After speaking to each Tour Guide, you will receive an update:
"Your visit is recorded! Ask me if you need an update on your progress, and good luck on the rest of the grand tour."
Speaking with the final Tour Guide will complete the quest:
"You've completed the Grand Tour! The Hennin shall be yours! Congratulations!"
The Wyrmsands is a dangerous desert where a dragon is rumored to have fallen in battle long ago. It can be found in the far southwest of the Hidden Vale!
Brightbone Pass is a mountain pass under attack by fierce undead forces. You can get there from the lunar rift in Owl's Head!
The Moors of Northshore can be found east of Owl's Head, along the coast, in the Hidden Vale!
The deepest aprt of the Ravensood can be found southeast of Owl's Head, in the Hidden Vale!
Grunvald Shardfall is a VERY DANGEROUS place where the pieces of the moons have fallen from the sky! The arcane energies released make everything unpredictable. Your friends may be driven to attack you! Take special care!
The Tour Guide can be found in the following locations:
Early during R14, you might also get a response of "I also noted that I have already spoken to one of the tour guides as part of starting the quest" when speaking to the tour guide in Brightbone Pass. This would create a duplicate journal entry, as shown above, noting the original name for Wyrmsands, Bloodsands. Owl's Nest was also a destination, in place of the Grunvald Shardfall.
To begin the Grand Tour, speak with the Tour Guide, who can be found near the starting area in Braemar.
"Good day, avatar! I offer a special reward for travelling around our fair land! Simply find me in the following locations - Wynton's Folly, the Plains of Righ Inis, the Graff Gem Mines (both the outskirts and within the mines) and the Owl's Head Market Square! Isn't it grand? If you can find me and speak to me in ALL of these places, I will gift a SPECIAL REWARD that can only be earned this month! I can also update you on your progress if you wish."
After speaking to each Tour Guide, you will receive an update:
"Your visit is recorded! Ask me if you need an update on your progress, and good luck on the rest of the grand tour."
Speaking with the final Tour Guide will complete the quest:
"You've completed the Grand Tour! The Yule Hat shall be yours! Congratulations!"
This month's reward is a stylish Yule Hat! Be the envy of all your friends - at least the ones who haven't completed the Grand Tour this month!
This month's grand tour is to the following locations - Wynton's Folly, the Plains of Righ Inis, the Graff Gem Mines (both the outskirts and within the mines) and the Owl's Head Market Square! Find me and talk to me in all of these locations for your reward!.
Wynton's Folly is an abandoned village in the midst of a desert. It can be found in the Hidden Vale, west of Braemar along the coast!
The Plains of Righ Inis can be found to the southwest of Owl's Head, in the Hidden Vale!
The Graff Gem Mines can be found in the northern Drachvald, in Novia's northeast. You can get there from the lunar rift in Owl's Head. We sent one tour guide originally but he hasn't been heard from - maybe he's been captured and is being held within the mines! Being a tour guide is dangerous! It's a good thing we automations can be replaced!
Owl's Head can be found by following the the Valeway north from Braemar! The Market Square is in the northern part of town.
It's gotten more difficult to hire human tour guides since so many kept getting captured. Luckily, we automations do not worry about danger as much as humans. I wouldn't call us disposable, but self-preservation doesn't usually get included in our operating parameters.
The Tour Guide can be found in the following locations:
To begin the Grand Tour, speak with the Tour Guide, who can be found near the starting area in Braemar.
"Good day, avatar! I offer a special reward for travelling around our fair land! Simply find me in the following locations - Solace Bridge, the Greymark Forest, the Tower of the Shuttered Eye (both the outskirts and within the tower) and the North and South Valeway! Isn't it grand? If you can find me and speak to me in ALL of these places, I will gift a SPECIAL REWARD that can only be earned this weekend! I can also update you on your progress if you wish."
After speaking to each Tour Guide, you will receive an update:
"Your visit is recorded! Ask me if you need an update on your progress, and good luck on the rest of the grand tour."
Speaking with the final Tour Guide will complete the quest:
"You've completed the Grand Tour! The Pilgrim's Hat shall be yours! Congratulations!"
This weekend's reward is a stylish Pilgrim's Hat! Be the envy of all your friends - at least the ones who haven't completed the Grand Tour this weekend!
Solace Bridge is north of Ardoris, but for now your best bet of getting there is through the lunar rift in Owl's Head - but only during a certain time of day...
The Greymark Forest is south and east of Owl's Head. Beware, danger lurks within its depths!
The Tower of the Shuttered Eye is a frightening ruin in the swamps east of Ardoris! You can get there through the lunar rift in Owl's Head. We sent one tour guide originally but he hasn't been heard from - maybe he's been captured and is being held within the tower! Being a tour guide is dangerous!
The Valeway is the road that leads between Braemar and Owl's Head in the Hidden Vale! There are tour guides along both the northern and southern halves of the road!
The Tour Guide can be found in the following locations:
To begin the Grand Tour, speak with the Tour Guide, who can be found near the starting area in Braemar.
"Good day, avatar! I offer a special reward for travelling around our fair land! Simply find me in the following locations - Solace Bridge, the dungeons of Ravensmoor, the Mysterious Swamp, the Kingsport Sewers, the Kobold War Camp, and the Obsidian Keep! Isn't it grand? If you can find me and speak to me in ALL of these places, I will gift a SPECIAL REWARD that can only be earned this weekend! I can also update you on your progress if you wish."
After speaking to each Tour Guide, you will receive an update:
"Your visit is recorded! Ask me if you need an update on your progress, and good luck on the rest of the grand tour."
Speaking with the final Tour Guide will complete the quest:
"You've completed the Grand Tour! The Tricorn Carnival Hat shall be yours! Congratulations!"
This weekend's reward is a stylish Tricorn Carnival Hat! Be the envy of all your friends - at least the ones who haven't completed the Grand Tour this weekend!
Solace Bridge is north of Ardoris, but for now your best bet of getting there is through the lunar rift in Owl's Head - but only during a certain time of day...
Ravensmoor is quite a frightening place! TO get thee, go to the south of Braemar along the coast, and then run the gauntlet of undead to the dungeon within the skull cave along the shore!
The southeast of the Vale is full of dangerous marshlands! Look for a mysterious building in the center of the swamp...
Kingsport is the main port city of the Vale, along the eastern coast! To find the sewers, just follow the road into town, then at the river, look for an entrance by the bridge!
You can find the Kobold War Camp by travelling throught he portal in Owl's Head - but only during a certain time of day...
The Obsidian Keep is a complex of ruins west of Owl's Head, on the lake shore!
The Tour Guide can be found in the following locations:
The Castle of the Mountain is in Ardoris! You can't miss it, just follow the long bridge to the west! To get to Ardoris, just hop a ferry from the smugglers in Kingsport.
The Castle of the Winds is in Ardoris! You can't miss it, just follow the long bridge to the east! To get to Ardoris, just hop a ferry from the smugglers in Kingsport.
The Oracle Confirmatory is in Ardoris. Just north of the town square, has eyes that follow you everywhere!
The Spectator Area is a new feature of the PvP Team Arena! Just go into the portal marked by the eye when you enter the arena instead of choosing a team... Oh, the arena itself can be found from a portal in Braemar near where you first found me!
You can reach the Challenge Dungeon through a portal in Braemar!
The Tour Guide can be found in the following locations: