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Book of Mighty Weapons

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This is a book that is given as to you by Timothy the Enchanter in Ardoris as part of the Slay the Fell Beast quest.

The book is part of many Monty Python Easter eggs; see this post for details.

Contents of this Book[edit]

~ Book of Mighty Weapons ~ Excerpt from THE BOOK OF MIGHTY WEAPONS AND THINGS THAT EXPLODE Chapter XVII, Verses 6-8

...And Lord Joffrey DID raise the Sacred Oracle Orb of Obliteration high above his head, saying "The Oracle has seen fit to grant me her most Sacred Orb of Obliteration, so that I might smite the fools that oppose her, and thus pity them, as is proper".

And the Oracle did approve from her seat within Brittany, and the people under her wise stewardship did feast upon all manner of things both animal and vegetable, and occasional mineral though that might have been a small accident of food preparation.

And Lady Mata did speak to Lord Joffrey, saying "Here are the words of the Oracle, that were spoken to me, and you should trust me in this, and of all things perhaps, except that one thing we SHALL not talk about. To use the Sacred Oracle Orb of Obliteration, you must remove the Assembly of Preparation, and then shall you count to three. I trust that you do in fact know how to count to three, and not two, or four, or sixty-seven, or eleventy-tarn, because that is not actually a number, and thus you SHALL not count to it.

Once the number three is arrived at, you SHALL lob the Sacred Oracle Orb of Obliteration towards your enemies, not your friends, for if you do they will become your enemies due to explosive bits, but if properly aimed towards you enemies it will render my judgement, and since I have deemed them Naughty, they shall snuff it..."

Also See[edit]