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Dark Archlapin of Death and Destruction

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Dark Archlapin of Death and Destruction
Alignment Hostile Category Boss
Active Spring Type
Found in Spectral Mines
Health 7215 -
Abilities Unknown

Dark Archlapin of Death and Destruction is a Seasonal Content boss creature that is only present from mid March through mid May. It spawns in the Beast's Lair (Cave of Uncertain Choices) in Spectral Mines. Loot from this boss includes:

Easter Egg[edit]

See this post for details.

Also See[edit]


The loot information stated is only a reference for known drops. The chance for these items to drop vary by creature and scene. Adv Exp stated is the default Adv Exp when in a scene in a Private instance.

Scene Tier Hit Points Damage Exp Gold Loot
Spectral Mines 5 7215 Unknown 63200 Gold 0-0 Death Bunny Head Death Bunny Head (0-1), Sacred Oracle Orb of Obliteration Sacred Oracle Orb of Obliteration (0-2), Rabbit Meat Rabbit Meat (0-8), Confection Bunnies Confection Bunnies (0-2), Confection Eggs Confection Eggs (0-2), Rabbit Carcass Rabbit Carcass (0-1), Killer Rabbit Art Bundle Killer Rabbit Art Bundle (0-1), Lavalliere of the Lagomorph Lavalliere of the Lagomorph (0-1), Crafting Experience Crafting Experience (0-10000), Spectral Mines Gnawed Bone Spectral Mines Gnawed Bone (0-1)

See Also[edit]


  • Common and Rare Lavalliere of the Lagomorph has been added to the Death Bunny Loot table.[1]
  • No referenced category information is known for this creature. It is assumed to be a boss creature.


External links[edit]