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Slay the Fell Beast

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Slay the Fell Beast
Location: Ardoris
NPCs: Timothy the Enchanter
Creatures: Lepus Zombie, Dark Archlapin of Death and Destruction
Quest Items: Sacred Oracle Orb of Obliteration, Book of Mighty Weapons
Reward: Arch Lapin Mask

You could find an old mage (Timothy the Enchanter) in the small graveyard within Ardoris. Upon speaking to him, you would be tasked with defeating the Dark Archlapin of Death and Destruction within the Beast's Lair in Spectral Mines. You will be given 2 unique items to help you accomplish this feat: an instructional Book of Mighty Weapons and weapon called Sacred Oracle Orb of Obliteration. When you return to Timothy and tell him that you slayed the Archlapin, he will give you the Arch Lapin Mask.

This content is present from mid March Through mid May.

Keyword Spoiler


  • Hello
  • Name
  • Job
  • Avatar
  • Adventurer
  • Quest

  • Foreboding
  • Back
  • Cave
  • Beast

Quest/Output Overview:

  • Greetings, adventurer. I seek one who is a person of valor and quality!
  • There are some who call me... Timothy.
  • I am a mage, of course. But that is not important. Are you ready to face peril most perilous? Danger most dangerous? Are you a might enough adventurer to rescue the King? Oh, wait. No. That was something else. REGARDLESS. I require your aid for my quest, great avatar!
  • Yes, yes. I assume you are an avatar. Strides the earth like a giant, does mighty and heroic deeds, and most importantly cannot die. This is important, because of the quest I must send you on!
  • Yes, I seek adventurers that are of uncommon bravery and foolhardiness! No, wait, I did not say that last bit. I seek brave adventurers! Surely you are brave and would not let someone like me imply you were too cowardly to perform my simple quest!
  • Listen to me well, adventurer. In the far-off Spectral Mines, there is a mysterious cave. Few are known to tread there, for there had long been rumors of dragons. The dragons have left of course, and within there is a treasure of unsurpassed wealth. But! Follow this path only if ye be men and women of valor! For this cave is guarded by a creature so foul... so cruel... that no one has fount it and lived! Bones of fifty full men lie STREWN all about its lair! So! Brave avatars! If you do doubt your courage, or your strength, come no further, for death awaits you all! With nasty, big, pointed... Oh, I'm carried away again. REGARDLESS! You will need this arcane weapon to defeat the fell beast! And this instruction manual, of course, which I really recommend you read. If you happen to defeat the awful... thing, come back, and as you are so often expecting, I will reward you with coin and valor and praise and a hearty slap on the back. Now, off with you, for I must be foreboding.
  • It's a dramatic device, you see.
  • Yes, yes, when your task is done.
  • (text needed)
  • (text needed)
Item added to your inventory!
Item added to your inventory!

You receive three Sacred Oracle Orbs of Obliteration and a Book of Mighty Weapons.

You must travel to the Spectral Mines and defeat the Dark Archlapin. Upon returning, Timothy will once again speak with you (text needed).

