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Timothy the Enchanter

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Timothy the Enchanter
Location: Ardoris

Continent: Novia

First Seen: Episode 1
Timothy the Enchanter Location.png

Timothy the Enchanter is an Odd Mage you can find in the city of Ardoris. He gives the quest of Find the Beast's Lair, Collect 3 Bones, Timothy Wants 3 Bones, and Slay the Fell Beast. This NPC is specifically located at the coordinates 189.522, 53.057, -213.061.


Keyword Spoiler


  • help

Quest/Output Overview:

  • Saying help will give you an option to receive the Find the Beast's Lair quest. This quest can be done once a day.

Easter Egg[edit]

Timothy the Enchanter and his quests are Easter eggs. See this post for more details.

See also[edit]


  • No Point of Interest Marker is present any where near this character, so refer to the location box image above.
