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Spectral Mines

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Spectral Mines
SotA SpectralMines5.jpg
Scene Difficulty: Zonetier.pngZonetier.pngZonetier.pngZonetier.pngZonetier.png
Location: Spectral Foothills

Region: Perennial Coast

Release: Episode 1
Spectral Mines Map.png

Spectral Mines is a Tier 5 Adventuring Area accessible from within the Spectral Foothills near the head waters of the Solace River. It consists of two parts, the mine and the crypt. It also has links to Midmaer Passage and the Solania Catacombs.

  • “Long ago, an effort was made to mine the Spectral Peaks but miners stumbled upon some ancient crypts full of undead. The miners abandoned the unstarted mines, but the Order of the Ebon Dawn have since taken over and seek to resurrect the ancient power of the Obsidians.”[1]


There are those who follow maps, and those who make them!

Points of interest[edit]


The loot information stated is only a reference for known drops. The chance for these items to drop vary by creature and scene. Adv Exp stated is the default Adv Exp when in a scene in a Private instance not in a party.

Creature Hit Points Damage Adv Exp Gold Loot
Dark Archlapin of Death and Destruction 7215 Unknown 63200 Gold 0 Death Bunny Head Death Bunny Head (0-1), Sacred Oracle Orb of Obliteration Sacred Oracle Orb of Obliteration (0-2), Rabbit Meat Rabbit Meat (0-8), Confection Bunnies Confection Bunnies (0-2), Confection Eggs Confection Eggs (0-2), Rabbit Carcass Rabbit Carcass (0-1), Killer Rabbit Art Bundle Killer Rabbit Art Bundle (0-1), Lavalliere of the Lagomorph Lavalliere of the Lagomorph (0-1), Crafting Experience Crafting Experience (0-10000), Spectral Mines Gnawed Bone Spectral Mines Gnawed Bone (0-1)
Ebon Cultist Archer 378 Unknown Unknown Gold 1-25 Shoddy Long Bow Shoddy Long Bow (0-1)
Ebon Cultist Champion 821 Unknown Unknown Gold 1-25 Khopesh Sword Khopesh Sword (0-1), Triangle Shield Triangle Shield (0-1), Sword of Speed, Common Sword of Speed, Common (0-1)
Ebon Cultist Wizard 336 Unknown Unknown Gold 1-40 Lesser Staff Lesser Staff (0-1), Garlic Garlic (0-1), Serpent Scales Serpent Scales (0-1), Recipe: Conversationalist, Putrid Zombie Female Recipe: Conversationalist, Putrid Zombie Female (0-1)
Ghastly Deadeye Unknown Unknown Unknown Gold 1-25 Spectral Mines to Midmaer Passage Key Spectral Mines to Midmaer Passage Key (0-1), Shoddy Long Bow Shoddy Long Bow (0-1), Corpse Wax Corpse Wax (0-3), Fragile Underground Passage Key Fragile Underground Passage Key (0-1)
Ghost 381 Unknown 4400 Gold 1-25 Corpse Wax Corpse Wax (0-1), Focus Battery Necklace, Common Focus Battery Necklace, Common (0-1)
Hardened Skeleton Archer 470 Unknown Unknown Gold 1-25 Shoddy Long Bow Shoddy Long Bow (0-1), Corpse Wax Corpse Wax (0-2), Arrow Arrow (0-6), Supply Bundle (Yellow) Supply Bundle (Yellow) (0-1)
Hardened Skeleton Footman 486 Unknown Unknown Gold 1-43 Morning Star Morning Star (0-1), Sturdy Mace Sturdy Mace (0-1), Corpse Wax Corpse Wax (0-5), Recipe: Framed Worn Map of Ruins of Ravensmoor Recipe: Framed Worn Map of Ruins of Ravensmoor (0-1), Humanoid Loot Humanoid Loot (0-1), Supply Bundle (Yellow) Supply Bundle (Yellow) (0-1)
Hardened Skeleton Mage 447 Unknown Unknown Gold 1-25 Lesser Wand Lesser Wand (0-1), Corpse Wax Corpse Wax (0-4), Reagent Reagent (0-2)
Large Red Spider Unknown Unknown Unknown Gold 0 Spider Silk Spider Silk (0-5), Venom Sack Venom Sack (0-1), Spider Essence Spider Essence (0-1), Spider Leg Spider Leg (0-1)
Lepus Zombie 282 Unknown Unknown Gold 1-14 Rotting Flesh Rotting Flesh (0-1), Corpse Wax Corpse Wax (0-1), Belt of Zombie Skin, Common Belt of Zombie Skin, Common (0-1), Spectral Mines Chewed Bone Spectral Mines Chewed Bone (0-1), Spectral Mines Nibbled Bone Spectral Mines Nibbled Bone (0-1), Drudge Leech Drudge Leech (0-1), Acara's Shield of Defiance, Common Acara's Shield of Defiance, Common (0-1)
Lich Mage 763 Unknown 6000 Gold 1-35 Obsidian Chip Obsidian Chip (0-5), Reagent Reagent (0-2), Anapa's Favor, Common Anapa's Favor, Common (0-1), Short Glowing Blue Cylinder, middle Short Glowing Blue Cylinder, middle (0-1), Acara's Plate Chest of Defiance, Common Acara's Plate Chest of Defiance, Common (0-1)
Skeleton Archer 235 Unknown Unknown Gold 1-25 Ragged Leather Armor Ragged Leather Armor (0-1), Shoddy Short Bow Shoddy Short Bow (0-1), Corpse Wax Corpse Wax (0-2), Humanoid Loot Humanoid Loot (0-1), Arrow Arrow (0-2)
Skeleton Footman 269 Unknown Unknown Gold 17-25 Rusty Sword Rusty Sword (0-1), Bandit Blade Bandit Blade (0-1), Triangle Shield Triangle Shield (0-1), Corpse Wax Corpse Wax (0-2), Sturdy Mace Sturdy Mace (0-1), Humanoid Loot Humanoid Loot (0-1)
Small Red Spider Unknown Unknown Unknown Gold 0 Venom Sack Venom Sack (0-2), Spider Silk Spider Silk (0-3), Spider Eye Spider Eye (0-1), Spider Leg Spider Leg (0-1)
Well-Gnawed Skeleton 486 Unknown Unknown Gold 1-300 Corpse Wax Corpse Wax (0-1), Spectral Mines Gnawed Bone Spectral Mines Gnawed Bone (0-1), Morning Star Morning Star (0-1), Sturdy Mace Sturdy Mace (0-1), Skeleton Bone Skeleton Bone (0-1), Adventure And Producer Experience Adventure And Producer Experience (0-10000)


Resource Node Craft Exp Skill Yield
Iron Vein
(27 Active Nodes)
Unknown MiningMining icon.png Iron Ore Iron Ore (0-1), Granite Block Granite Block (0-1), Tungsten Ore Tungsten Ore (0-1), Nickel Ore Nickel Ore (0-1)
Medium Citrine Crystal Unknown MiningMining icon.png Citrine (Unrefined Gemstone) Citrine (Unrefined Gemstone) (0-1), Citrine Fragment (Unrefined Gemstone) Citrine Fragment (Unrefined Gemstone) (0-1)
Coil of Rope 0 Coil of Rope Coil of Rope (0-1)
Resource Node Craft Exp Skill Yield
Quartz Crystal 0 Mining (1) Quartz
Ash Deposit 0 Mining (1) Sulfurous Ash
Small Garnet Crystal 0 Mining (1) Garnet Fragment, Chance (1) Garnet
Emerald Crystal 0 Mining (1) Emerald Fragment, Chance (1) Emerald



