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Deliver note to Middleman

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This is the first part in a 2 part series of Daily Quests. To obtain these quests, talk to Max (Middleman), who is at the North entrance/exit of The Obsidian Panopticon.

  • Part 1: Deliver Package to Prisoner - Talk to Max about "help" and/or "package". He will give you a Panopticon Package that he wants you to deliver to a specific prisoner in the Panopticon Prison. The prisoners are locked in cells. To open the door to a cell, use the Brittle Panopticon Cell Key (if the key is in your inventory, left-clicking the LOCK will unlock the door. Then, you can click on the door to open it. The brittle key breaks when you use it, so it is removed from your inventory.) The Brittle Panopticon Cell Key drops as loot from the Elves in the Obsidian Panopticon. You can carry multiple copies of this key. When you speak to the specified prisoner (mention "package"), the prisoner will take your Panopticon Package, and give you a note called Response From A Prisoner.
  • Part 2: Deliver note to Middleman - Return to Max and give him the Response From A Prisoner (the title of the note is written in Runic). Max will reward you with gold and 65,828 experience points (or 131,656 during double XP).