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Earth Resistance

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Earth Resistance

Earth Resistance is a numerical representation of the Avatar's resistance to Earth Magic. A higher resistance value results in the Avatar having less susceptibility to the effects of Earth Magic.

Base Earth Resistance[edit]

The base earth magic resistance is half of the Avatar's overall Earth Attunement.

  • Base Earth Resistance = (Earth Attunement)/2

Overall Earth Resistance[edit]

The overall earth resistance is the base earth resistance plus (or minus) any earth resistance buffs (or debuffs) from equipping certain items, from consuming certain foods/potions, and from acquiring certain buffs/blessings.

Higher Earth Resistance can be achieved by:

Lower Earth Resistance can occur with:


The following items will have an effect on Earth Resistance:


Icon Item Item Effects
Cinnamon Bark icon.png Cinnamon Bark
Cinnamon Bark
Earth Resistance
+2% for 2 minutes

Emerald icon.png Gaiaism Ward Gem
Gaiaism Ward Gem
Earth Resistance
Earth Attunement

Gaiaism Jewel icon.png Gaiaism Ward Jewel (Refined Gemstone)
Gaiaism Ward Jewel (Refined Gemstone)
Earth Resistance
Earth Attunement

Potion of Resistance, Elemental icon.png Potion of Resistance, Elemental
Potion of Resistance, Elemental
Fire Resistance
+25 for 1 hour
Water Resistance
+25 for 1 hour
Earth Resistance
+25 for 1 hour
Air Resistance
+25 for 1 hour

Also See[edit]