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Light Armor school

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This specific skill tree in the game is specifically named Light Armor. This specific named page was created to list Light Armor tree skills.

Light Armor school icon.png The Light Armor skill uses Cloth and Leather Armor and has the least amount of focus or movement penalties. Best for stealth and magic. Also is least expensive armor to maintain.

Natalia of Solania is whom many rogues have learned from in how best to perform in light armor. She lives above the local blacksmith.
-Adventuring Trainer
Light Armor Skill Tree
DodgeEvasionEscapeSwiftnessFlurrySprintAcrobaticsLight Armor SpecializationSotA LightArmor Tree.png
About this image
Increases chance to avoid damage from multiple hits for the duration of its use. The dodge bonus will be much larger for several seconds immediately after use. Light Armor Specialization extends the larger bonus.
Decreases aggro on player and removes one movement speed debuff. Light Armor Specialization increases the range of the effect.
Increases avoidance which increases the chance that blows will merely glance off the player inflicting much reduced damage. Light Armor Specialization increases the duration.
Increases attack speed. Light Armor Specialization adds a small draw speed boost.
Increases movement speed. Light Armor Specialization increases the duration.
Increases dodge and Sprint movement effects
Light Armor Specialization
Light Armor Specialization is the devotion of one's self to the study of the use of cloth and leather armor. It increases the power of and flexibility of all other active skills in the Light Armor tree. NOTE: Only one Specialization skill may be trained and one additional skill maintained at any given time or two may be set to maintain. Enabling training for a different specialization skill may set a specialization skill currently set to maintain to unlearn.
Increases movement and attack speed.

External Reference[edit]