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SapLastseen: R109
Sap icon.png
Skill: Subterfuge Strategy Glyph
Type: Active
Focus Cost: 3
Prerequisite Skills: Silent Movement (Level 40)
Learned From: Skills Trainer

Long duration stun effect that can only be used from behind the target. Subterfuge Specialization adds a chance for a large dexterity debuff.

Note: the tool tip is inconsistent: it uses both stun and mesmerize to describe the crowd control component. However, this skill appears to apply a Mesmerize, and not a Stun.


  • Range: 3.5
  • Cooldown: 8 seconds
  • 0.5% Chance to mesmerize for 7.1 seconds
  • +20% Resist Crowd ControlThis effect is not stated in the Tooltip, and will be an effect added to the target

(effects increase with skill level)

  • This skill can fail to hit a target if the target has the Resist Crowd Control effect on the target.