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Resist Crowd Control

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Resist Crowd Control
+20 CrowdControl Resistance

Resist Crowd Control is an effect that is placed on a target when the target is stunned, knocked down, mesmerized, rooted (and sometimes when Knocked Back); the effect causes the target to become temporarily resistant to subsequent stuns, knockdowns, mesmerizes, roots, and knock backs. A player, a player's pet, or a player's summons can apply this effect to any opponent (including NPC creatures, players, pets, and summons). Also NPC creatures can apply this effect to any opponent (including players, pets, and summons). This effect stacks multiple times on a target. Note that this effect is not stated in any of the tool tips. Also, the in-game statistic is referred to as CrowdControl Resistance.

Each time you stun, knockdown, mesmerize, root (and sometimes Knock Back) a target, the target receives +20% resistance to subsequent stuns, knockdowns, mesmerizes, roots, and knock backs for the next 30 seconds. When resist crowd control has been applied to a target, a helmet icon will appear under the target's hit-point bar. When you hover your mouse over the helmet icon, a pop-up window will show the time remaining for each active crowd control event that has been applied to the target. When all of the Crowd Control Resistance expires, the helmet icon disappears.

Resist crowd control is added to your target only if the target is successfully stunned, knocked down, mesmerized, rooted, or knocked back.

Resist crowd control will stack if you stun/knockdown/mesmerize/root (and sometimes when knocked back) the target within 30 seconds of the previous stun/knockdown/mesmerize/root/knock back (i.e. the resist crowd control accumulates). For example, if you use stone fist to stun a target 3 consecutive times within a second, the crowd control will be +20% x 3, which means the target will have +60% resistance to stun/knockdown/mesmerize/root/knock back for approximately 30 seconds; and if you hovered your mouse over the Resist Crowd Control icon just after you complete the 3 consecutive stuns, the 3 crowd control events (each with their +20% effect and their time remaining) would be listed as follows:

+20% CrowdControl Resistance
28 seconds
+20% CrowdControl Resistance
29 seconds
+20% CrowdControl Resistance
30 seconds

Which Effects Apply Resist Crowd Control?[edit]

Effects That Never Apply Crowd Control to the Target

Effects That Always Apply Crowd Control to the Target

Effects That Usually Apply Crowd Control to the Target

For knock back, usually the +20% resist crowd control is applied.

Skills for which +20% resist crowd control is applied when a knockback occurs.
  • Push (Polearm skill)
  • Torpor (Earth Magic skill) - in this case the resist crowd control is applied to the caster (the skill is cast on oneself, so the caster is the target)
  • Concussive Canticle (Bard skill)
  • Knockback (bludgeon skill)
  • Charge (shield skill)
  • Shield Bash (shield skill)
  • Shield Smash (combo of Shield Bash and Stone Fist) - the knockback from this skill does apply the Resist Crowd Control; however, the skill is bugged and does not stun (so a stun induced Resist Crowd Control never gets applied).
These skills are capable of both stun and knock back. So, if the skill produces a stun without a knock back (or a knock back without a stun), then +20% resist crowd control will be applied. If these skills produce a stun and a knock back simultaneously, then a 2 x +20% resist crowd control will be applied (for a total of 40%). In other words, the resist crowd control from a simultaneous stun and the knockback are applied concurrently.
Skills for which resist crowd control is not applied when knockback occurs:
  • Titan Smash (a combination of knockback and Body Slam) - if this skill produces a stun, then +20% resist crown control is applied; however, if a knockback occurs (either by itself or simultaneously with the stun), it does not add any resist crowd control.
  • Gust (air skill) - Resist crowd control is applied when gust causes a stun, but its "knock back" does not add any additional resist. Technically, gust causes a "push back" and not a "knockback", and there is no crowd control resistance applied for its "push back" effect.

Skills that can apply Resist Crowd Control[edit]

(this list is still under construction)

Other Things That can Apply Resist Crowd Control[edit]

Any pet or Magic Summons that can stun, knock down, mesmerize, root, or knock back can apply resist crowd control to their target. For example, a Summon Earth Elemental uses an attack that can stun.

See Also[edit]
