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Deliver Rune Bag

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Deliver Rune Bag
Location: South Boundless Forest
NPCs: Pendro
Quest Items: Boundless Forest Rune Bag
Description: I need to bring the rune bag to Pendro.
Related Quests: Tell Sigrunn About Pendro

To acquire these quests, you need to complete the Share Disappearance Details quest from Sigrunn at the docks of Noreach (which only needs to be done once).

This is the second part of two sequential Daily Quests.


After completing the quests above (i.e. both part 1 and part 2), you will be given gold, experience points, Elven Brandy, and a Maple Band, Common. Rarely you will also get Wax Cylinder - Yew.


I took a boundless forest rune bag from one of the barbarians in the South Boundless Forest. I'll get it to Pendro in Yew as soon as I can.