Share Disappearance Details
Quest Items:
- 16,000 xp
A seer named Sigrunn claims that people who sail north from Noreach are disappearing. She's asked me to investigate for her. I'm to consult with Doctor Bob of Northwood, Thibodeaux of Jaanaford, and Pendro of Yew. Oh, and if I can somehow get in contact with Captain Jack Price of the Jack of Diamonds airship, I should talk with him, too... but I get the feeling I may be blocked with that, so I'll consider that option. When I get all the information I can, I should return to Sigrunn in Noreach.
Sigrunn, a Seer at the docks of Noreach, needs your help about some strange disappearances happening!
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Quest/Output Overview:
Quest Walkthrough[edit]
- (Optional) Ask About Northern Crime
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(Optional) Ask About Northern Crime
This is a completely optional quest and is not needed to be finished. You will need to be able to board the Jack of Diamonds. Once you arrive there, speak to Jack Price. Manually type the words northern crime in the dialogue window and press enter. Then select Sigrunn asks about crimes. Quest Complete! Receive Tell Sigrunn About Jack Price quest.
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Ask About Northern Curse
Enter to the town of Yew and go to Pendro. In your compass will be a blue person marker for the location of Pendro. Speak to Pendro and manually type the words northern curse in the dialogue window and press enter. Then select Sigrunn asks for information and Yes, I'll get a rune bag keywords. You will now receive a new quest Acquire a Rune Bag.
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Deliver Rune Bag
Go back to Pendro in Yew. Speak to him and click the rune bag keyword. Hand him the Boundless Forest Rune Bag. Quest complete! Receive Tell Sigrunn About Pendro quest. Of note you can then return to Pendro once a day and give him another Boundless Forest Rune Bag for a reward.
- Ask About Northern History
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Ask About Northern History
Enter to the town of Jaanaford and go to Thibodeaux. In your compass will be a blue person marker for the location of Thibodeaux. Speak to Thibodeaux and manually type the words northern history in the dialogue window and press enter. Then select Sigrunn asks about history. Quest Complete! Receive Tell Sigrunn About Thibodeaux quest.
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About Northern Sky
Enter to the town of Northwood. Select the Fast travel sign and select Britannia Manor. To the Northwest you will see an observatory and also in your compass will be a blue person marker for the location of Doctor Bob. Speak to Doctor Bob and manually type the words northern sky in the dialogue window and press enter. Then select Sigrunn asks about the cosmos. Quest Complete! Receive Tell Sigrunn About Doctor Bob quest.
- Share Disappearance Details (If you do not speak to Jack Price)
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Share Disappearance Details
Once you have received the 3 Tell Sigrunn About Pendro, Tell Sigrunn About Thibodeaux and Tell Sigrunn About Doctor Bob quests, you can now return to Sigrunn and speak to her:
- Find and select the Doctor Bob keyword. Tell Sigrunn About Doctor Bob quest complete!
- Find and select the Thibodeaux keyword. Tell Sigrunn About Thibodeaux quest complete!
- Find and select the Pendro keyword. Tell Sigrunn About Pendro quest complete!
- Click on the disappear keyword and then select Forget Jack, let's finish this. Quest Completed!
- Share Disappearance Details (If you do speak to Jack Price)
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Share Disappearance Details
Once you have received all 4 Tell Sigrunn About Jack Price, Tell Sigrunn About Pendro, Tell Sigrunn About Thibodeaux and Tell Sigrunn About Doctor Bob quests, you can now return to Sigrunn and speak to her:
- Find and select the Jack Price keyword. Tell Sigrunn About Jack Price quest complete!
- Find and select the Doctor Bob keyword. Tell Sigrunn About Doctor Bob quest complete!
- Find and select the Thibodeaux keyword. Tell Sigrunn About Thibodeaux quest complete!
- Find and select the Pendro keyword. Tell Sigrunn About Pendro quest complete!
- Click on the disappear keyword. Quest Completed!
The information provided for this quest was last updated in Release 106.