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Boundless Forest Rune Bag

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Small Bag.png
A small bag full of mystical rune stones from the South Boundless Forest. Pendro of Yew desires this.
Quest Item

Value: Gold 1
No Trade
Found in South Boundless Forest.
Used in Acquire a Rune Bag.

Boundless Forest Rune Bag is a quest item that can only be found once you have been given the Acquire a Rune Bag quest. The rune bag drops as loot from the barbarian humanoids in South Boundless Forest. You can only carry one of these at a time.

If you complete the Deliver Rune Bag quest by giving the rune bag to Pendro in Yew, he will give you gold, experience points, and a Maple Band, Common. The Deliver Rune Bag quest quest can be done daily.


Quest Spoiler
You must first get, or complete the Share Disappearance Details and Ask About Northern Curse quest, that begins by speaking to Sigrunn. After receiving the Share Disappearance Details and Ask About Northern Curse quests, Speak to Pendro and manually type the words northern curse in the dialogue window and press enter. Then select Sigrunn asks for information and Yes, I'll get a rune bag keywords. You will now receive a new quest Acquire a Rune Bag. Now, when killing Barbarians in South Boundless Forest, they can occasionally drop a Boundless Forest Rune Bag.

See also[edit]