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Blade school

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Blade school icon.png Blades: Swords, Daggers. Fast direct damage. Weaker against heavy armor.

"Reston, the Master Blades trainer, can be found in Ardoris in the guild hall."

Blades Skill Tree
Bladed CombatThrustRiposteBlade SpeedDouble SlashRendVital PointsBladed CombatWhirling BladesBlade SpecializationCoup de GraceSotA Blades Tree.png
About this image
Coup de Grace
Attack that does 5X damage if target below 20% health (when blade specialization is zero). Blade Specialization will increase the minimum health to get the bonus (see below for details on how blade specialization effects Coup de Grace)
Double Slash
Two quick melee attacks that can hit up to two targets with each. Blade Specialization gives a small chance to get a third quick attack.
Attack that inflicts a damage over time effect on the target and reduces their ability to heal. Blade Specialization increases the amount of healing debuff Rend applies.
Attack that deals modest damage, unless used immediately after you parry an opponent's attack. A successful riposte is a very powerful attack that can't be blocked, dodged or parried. Blade Specialization increases the time that a player has to respond to a parried attack.
Powerful melee attack which strikes up to two targets. With Blade Specialization, Thrust also comes with a small chance to add a 5% heal reduction.
Whirling Blades
Attack that hits multiple targets around the player. Blades Specialization reduces the focus cost to use this skill.
Blade Specialization
Blade Specialization is the devotion of one's self to the study of bladed weapons. It increases the power of and flexibility of all other active skills in the blade skill tree. NOTE: Only one Specialization skill may be trained and one additional skill maintained at any given time or two may be set to maintain. Enabling training for a different specialization skill may set a specialization skill currently set to maintain to unlearn.
Blade Speed
Increases attack speed bonus with blades
Bladed Combat
Base bladed combat skill
Vital Points
Increases critical chance with blades

External Reference[edit]