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Flaming Bash

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Flaming BashLastseen: R28
Flaming Bash icon.png
Type: Active
Focus Cost: 5
Required Equipment: Shield
Prerequisite Skills: Shield Bash (Level 1)
Flame Fist (Level 1)

Shield attack also inflicts fire damage over time and a chance of stun.

Note that the tool tip is inconsistent: it uses both "stun" and "mesmerize" to describe the Crowd Control that can be applied by this skill. However, this skill appears to apply a stun, and not a mesmerize.

Combo Skills[edit]

Flaming Bash: Shield Bash + Flame Fist. Quick fire damage shield attack that has a chance to Stun and a chance to add small fire damage over time effect.

Shield Bash + Flame Fist = Flaming Bash

Main article: Combo Skills