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Moon Magic

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This specific skill tree in the game is specifically named Moon. This specific named page was created to list Moon tree skills.

Lunar Magic icon.png Moon Magic: Stealth - In lore and dialogue this may be referred to as Lunaism.

"Laura of the Thistle is the most in tune with the magic of the Moons, though it can often be hard to understand her. She was last seen just outside of Kingsport, wandering amongst the trees near the Oracle confirmatory.
-Adventuring Trainer
Moon Skill Tree
Moon AttunementNight VisionVanishCelestial BlessingFirefliesAnimal CharmMoon WorshipShadow FormCocoon of NightMeteor ShowerShooting StarMoon BeamsMoon EaterNight StepSummon Will-o-wispLunar Magic SpecializationSun Warding
About this image
Animal Charm
Charms an animal target. When an animal is charmed, it it stops being aggressive toward you (i.e. stops attacking you). The duration of the charm increases when the moon is present. Note that the tool-tip for this skill is incorrect: the tool-tip description states "mesmerizes an animal target." However, the skill does not mesmerize the target, it charms the target. Essentially, charm causes the target to go into "friendly NPC non-killable" mode (the animal's title will turn a whitish-grey), which means that the target will not be able to get aggro on you and will not attack you. However, it also means you will be unable to damage the animal during the charm. Note: there is a bug with this skill such that the charm duration is much shorter than the duration shown on the tool tip and icon.
Celestial Blessing
Increases resistance towards magic. Note: increasing Life resistance does NOT make heals less effective. Lunar Specialization increases the resistance effects and decreases the focus cost.
Cocoon of Night
Encases the player in a cocoon of night that makes them difficult to see and slowly heals them and decreases agro over time. The cocoon is broken if the player moves. Lunar Specialization increases the amount that the spell heals and decreases the amount of aggro.
Surrounds the target with fireflies. This increases the max and average damage of critical hits on the target. Lunar Specialization adds an additional dexterity debuff to the effect.
Meteor Shower
Summons a shower of powerful meteors. Lunar Specialization reduces the cool down timer on Meteor Shower.
Moon Beams
Mesmerize up to three targets in an area-of-effect. Duration increases when the moon is up. Lunar Specialization increases the radius of the spell.
Night Step
Teleport to selected target. When the moon is present, teleport behind your target. Lunar Specialization adds a chance to mesmerize the target.
Night Vision
Player can see in the dark. Lunar Specialization increases the duration of night vision
Shadow Form
Player can move while hidden. Duration increases when the moon is present. Lunar Specialization adds a move speed buff while stealthed. Lunar Specialization increases movespeed while in Shadow Form.
Shooting Star
Ranged Lunar attack with a fast cast time, high damage, high focus cost, and long cool down. Lunar Specialization reduces the cooldown.
Summon Will-O-Wisp
A faint light source pet that debuff's enemies.
Player becomes hidden while standing still. Duration increases at night. Lunar Specialization adds a non-combat regeneration bonus.
Lunar Magic Specialization
Lunar Magic Specialization is the devotion of one's self to the school of Lunar Magic. It increases the power of all Lunar magic while weakening your power and resistance to the opposing school of Sun. In addition to the attunement gain, the Lunar Specialization skill will impact each spell slightly in some matter. NOTE: Only one Specialization skill may be trained and one additional skill maintained at any given time or two may be set to maintain. Enabling training for a different specialization skill may set a specialization skill currently set to maintain to unlearn.
Moon Attunement
Increases the power of Moon skills and resistance to negative Moon effects. Attunement is increased by training active Moon skills.
Moon Eater
Increase the duration of night for Moon skills. The time listed is the total time added. So +4 hours would be +2 before and +2 after.
Moon Worship
Increases dexterity when moon is above the horizon. Works even when indoors and the moon isn't visible.
Sun Warding
Weakens attunement with the Sun tree while increasing the resistance to the Sun tree.

External Reference[edit]