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Pledge rewards

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This article needs verification. (Specific reason: needs to be updated to match other pledge rewards pages)

See the talk page for details.

Pledge Rewards are only available prior to the games launch. Pledge tiers receive rewards from all previous tiers, in addition to their own.

List of Pledge Tiers[edit]

Benefactor pledge tiers Founder pledge tiers


Guilt Pledge[edit]

Guilt Pledge Package
Bonuses Clear Conscience
Undying Gratitude

First Responder, Second Responder, Pioneer, Adventurer[edit]

Adventurer Pledge Package
Titles Benefactor
FounderExclusive Early Founder Rewards are only available to Backers who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013
PioneerExclusive Early Founder Rewards are only available to Backers who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013
Royal FounderRoyal Founder Rewards are only available to Founders who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013
In-Game Items Replenishing Snowball Box
Founder ShieldExclusive Early Founder Rewards are only available to Backers who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013
Royal Founder ShieldRoyal Founder Rewards are only available to Founders who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013
Sojourner Tales ItemExclusive Early Founder Rewards are only available to Backers who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013[1]
Digital Rewards Digital Download of Episode 1
Early Bird Alpha/Beta
Hickman Novel DownloadExclusive Early Founder Rewards are only available to Backers who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013
Bonuses Teachable EmotesExclusive Early Founder Rewards are only available to Backers who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013[2]
Darkstarr SaluteExclusive Early Founder Rewards are only available to Backers who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013

Immortal Adventurer[edit]

Immortal Adventurer Pledge Package
Titles Adventurer
Immortal AdventurerExclusive Early Founder Rewards are only available to Backers who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013
In-Game Items Benefactor Cloak
Founder CloakExclusive Early Founder Rewards are only available to Backers who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013
Royal Founder CloakRoyal Founder Rewards are only available to Founders who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013
Immortality Fruit seed
Royal Elderberry seedExclusive Early Founder Rewards are only available to Backers who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013
Ankh of Virtue Necklace
Vanduul PolearmExclusive Early Founder Rewards are only available to Backers who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013[3]
Replenishing Box of Training Accelerator Potions[4]
Digital Rewards Story of Mondain Download
Akallabeth Notes Download
Character Name Change Request Vouchers (2)Exclusive Early Founder Rewards are only available to Backers who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013[4]
Bonuses 2 Week Early Skill Access[4]
Get Last Name EarlyExclusive Early Founder Rewards are only available to Backers who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013[4]


Founder Pledge Package
Titles Pilgrim
FounderExclusive Early Founder Rewards are only available to Backers who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013
In-Game Items Non-Combat Pet (1 of 3)
Founder Crystal SwordExclusive Early Founder Rewards are only available to Backers who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013
Royal Founder Crystal SwordRoyal Founder Rewards are only available to Founders who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013
Founder Starter CutlassExclusive Early Founder Rewards are only available to Backers who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013
Founder Starter AxeExclusive Early Founder Rewards are only available to Backers who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013
Royal Founder Starter WeaponRoyal Founder Rewards are only available to Founders who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013
Royal Founder Starter WeaponRoyal Founder Rewards are only available to Founders who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013
Founder TunicExclusive Early Founder Rewards are only available to Backers who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013
Royal Founder TunicRoyal Founder Rewards are only available to Founders who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013
Bonuses Dev Blog (Read Only)

Royal Artisan[edit]

Royal Artisan Pledge Package
Titles Artisan
Royal ArtisanExclusive Early Founder Rewards are only available to Backers who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013
In-Game Items Starter Indestructible Artisan's Tool
Founder Starter BowExclusive Early Founder Rewards are only available to Backers who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013
Iolo CrossbowExclusive Early Founder Rewards are only available to Backers who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013
Royal Founder Starter BowRoyal Founder Rewards are only available to Founders who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013
Digital Rewards Digital Download of Episode 2 & 3
Bonuses Taming Creature CallExclusive Early Founder Rewards are only available to Backers who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013
Taming Creature CallRoyal Founder Rewards are only available to Founders who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013

Virtual Collector[edit]

Virtual Collector Pledge Package
Titles Archivist
Royal ArchivistExclusive Early Founder Rewards are only available to Backers who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013
Housing Items Box Cover Art DecorationExclusive Early Founder Rewards are only available to Backers who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013
DarkStarr MetronomeExclusive Early Founder Rewards are only available to Backers who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013[5]
In-Game Items Additional Non-Combat Pet (2 of 3)
Iolo Lute
Starter Indestructible Crafting ToolExclusive Early Founder Rewards are only available to Backers who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013
Founder Cloth Starting ArmorExclusive Early Founder Rewards are only available to Backers who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013
Founder Leather Starting ArmorExclusive Early Founder Rewards are only available to Backers who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013
Founder Chain Starting ArmorExclusive Early Founder Rewards are only available to Backers who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013
Founder Plate Starting ArmorExclusive Early Founder Rewards are only available to Backers who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013
Royal Founder Cloth Starting ArmorRoyal Founder Rewards are only available to Founders who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013
Royal Founder Leather Starting ArmorRoyal Founder Rewards are only available to Founders who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013
Royal Founder Chain Starting ArmorRoyal Founder Rewards are only available to Founders who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013
Royal Founder Plate Starting ArmorRoyal Founder Rewards are only available to Founders who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013
Digital Rewards Runic Language Translation PDF
Soundtrack Download
PDF Art Book Download
Bonuses Family CrestExclusive Early Founder Rewards are only available to Backers who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013


Explorer Pledge Package
Titles Cartographer
Royal CartographerExclusive Early Founder Rewards are only available to Backers who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013
ExplorerExclusive Early Founder Rewards are only available to Backers who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013
Housing Items World Map DecorationExclusive Early Founder Rewards are only available to Backers who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013
Digital Rewards Digital Download of Episode 4 & 5
Physical Rewards Collector's Box
Printed Game Manual
Game Installation Media
Game Media Soundtrack
Cloth Map


Collector Pledge Package
Titles Curator
Royal CuratorExclusive Early Founder Rewards are only available to Backers who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013
Physical Rewards Printed Runic Language Translation
Mysterious Physical Artifact
Collector's CoinExclusive Early Founder Rewards are only available to Backers who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013[1]
Printed Story of MondainExclusive Early Founder Rewards are only available to Backers who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013
Printed Akallabeth NotesExclusive Early Founder Rewards are only available to Backers who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013


Patron Pledge Package
Titles Patron
Royal PatronExclusive Early Founder Rewards are only available to Backers who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013
Housing Items Domesday Book Certificate Decoration
In-Game Items Additional Non-Combat Pet (3 of 3)
Physical Rewards Your Printed Story of Mondain is signed by Richard GarriottExclusive Early Founder Rewards are only available to Backers who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013
Your Printed Akallabeth Notes are signed by Richard GarriottExclusive Early Founder Rewards are only available to Backers who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013
Printed Hickman NovelExclusive Early Founder Rewards are only available to Backers who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013
Bonuses Name in Domesday Book


Ancestor Pledge Package
Titles Ancestor
Royal AncestorExclusive Early Founder Rewards are only available to Backers who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013
Property Deed Rent Free Row Lot Deed
Housing Items Tombstone DecorationExclusive Early Founder Rewards are only available to Backers who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013
Bonuses Name on Ancestor Tombstone


Navigator Pledge Package
Titles Navigator
Royal NavigatorExclusive Early Founder Rewards are only available to Backers who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013
Housing Items New Britannia Globe Decoration[6]
In-Game Items Novia Map Atlas
Physical Rewards Your Cloth Map is signed by Lord British


Developer Pledge Package
Titles Tinkerer
Royal TinkererExclusive Early Founder Rewards are only available to Backers who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013
Housing Items Tinkerer Certificate Decoration
Digital Rewards PDF of Developer Documents
Unity Content Packs
Physical Rewards Signed Tinkerer Certificate
Bonuses Dev Chat/Forum Access
Name in CreditsExclusive Early Founder Rewards are only available to Backers who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013
Create/Name an In-Game NPCExclusive Early Founder Rewards are only available to Backers who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013


Citizen Pledge Package
Titles Citizen
Noble CitizenExclusive Early Founder Rewards are only available to Backers who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013
Property Deed Rent Free Village Deed
Housing Citizen Village Home
Village Stone 1-Story Basement
Founder Citizen Village HomeExclusive Early Founder Rewards are only available to Backers who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013
Citizen Village Waterfront CabanaExclusive Early Founder Rewards are only available to Backers who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013
Housing Items Benefactor Plaque Decoration
Founder Plaque DecorationExclusive Early Founder Rewards are only available to Backers who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013
Royal Founder Plaque DecorationRoyal Founder Rewards are only available to Founders who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013
Piano Decoration
Commission-Free Vendor
Founder's Owl PetExclusive Early Founder Rewards are only available to Backers who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013
Darkstarr MoondialExclusive Early Founder Rewards are only available to Backers who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013[5]
Physical Rewards Your Printed Hickman Novel is signedExclusive Early Founder Rewards are only available to Backers who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013
Signed Village Property DeedExclusive Early Founder Rewards are only available to Backers who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013


Edelmann Pledge Package
Titles Edelmann
Hoher EdelmannExclusive Early Founder Rewards are only available to Backers who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013
Housing Edelmann Village Home
Founder Edelmann Village HomeExclusive Early Founder Rewards are only available to Backers who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013
Edelmann Village Waterfront CabanaExclusive Early Founder Rewards are only available to Backers who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013
Housing Items Edelmann Automaton Decoration
Edelmann Deutsche Dogge House Pet
In-Game Items Special Beer Brewing Recipe


Knight Pledge Package
Titles Sir
SirExclusive Early Founder Rewards are only available to Backers who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013
DameExclusive Early Founder Rewards are only available to Backers who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013
Knight CommanderExclusive Early Founder Rewards are only available to Backers who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013
MadamExclusive Early Founder Rewards are only available to Backers who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013[7]
Housing Knight Village Home
Village Stone 2-Story Basement
Founder Knight Village HomeExclusive Early Founder Rewards are only available to Backers who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013
Knight Village Waterfront LighthouseExclusive Early Founder Rewards are only available to Backers who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013
Housing Items Benefactor Knight's Round Table
Founder Knight's Round TableExclusive Early Founder Rewards are only available to Backers who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013
Knight House ServantExclusive Early Founder Rewards are only available to Backers who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013
Expert Crafting Station (1 of 2)Exclusive Early Founder Rewards are only available to Backers who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013

Knight Marshal[edit]

Knight Pledge Package
Titles Knight Marshal
Property Deed Upgrade to Rent Free Town Deed
Housing Knight Marshal Tower Keep
Town Stone 2-Story Basement
Physical Rewards Signed Town Property DeedExclusive Early Founder Rewards are only available to Backers who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013


Lord Pledge Package
Titles Baron
High BaronExclusive Early Founder Rewards are only available to Backers who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013
LordExclusive Early Founder Rewards are only available to Backers who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013
Housing Benefactor Lord Town Home
Town Stone 1-Story Basement
Founder Lord Town HomeExclusive Early Founder Rewards are only available to Backers who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013
Lord Town Waterfront HouseboatExclusive Early Founder Rewards are only available to Backers who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013
Housing Items Benefactor Lord's Throne
Founder Lord's ThroneExclusive Early Founder Rewards are only available to Backers who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013
Lord House ServantExclusive Early Founder Rewards are only available to Backers who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013
Expert Crafting Station (2 of 2)Exclusive Early Founder Rewards are only available to Backers who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013

Lord Marshal[edit]

Knight Pledge Package
Titles Lord Marshal
Royal Lord MarshalExclusive Early Founder Rewards are only available to Backers who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013
Property Deed Additional Rent Free Village Deed
Housing Lord Marshal's Great Hall
5-Story Town Basement - A 5-Story, Town Basement
2-Story Village Basement
Housing Items Automaton Servant
Lord Marshal's Throne
Great Hearth
Expert Crafting Station


Baron Pledge Package
Titles Viscount
BaronExclusive Early Founder Rewards are only available to Backers who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013
CountExclusive Early Founder Rewards are only available to Backers who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013
EarlExclusive Early Founder Rewards are only available to Backers who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013
Property Deed Upgrade to Rent Free City Deed
Housing Baron City Home
City Stone 2-Story Basement
Founder Baron City HomeExclusive Early Founder Rewards are only available to Backers who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013
Baron City Waterfront FrigateExclusive Early Founder Rewards are only available to Backers who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013
Baron City Waterfront GalleonExclusive Early Founder Rewards are only available to Backers who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013
Housing Items Benefactor Baron's Furniture
Founder Baron's FurnitureExclusive Early Founder Rewards are only available to Backers who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013
In-Game Items High Baron CrownExclusive Early Founder Rewards are only available to Backers who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013
Physical Rewards Signed City Property DeedExclusive Early Founder Rewards are only available to Backers who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013
Bonuses Town Hall Video Conference


Duke Pledge Package
Titles Marquis
DukeExclusive Early Founder Rewards are only available to Backers who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013
Housing Duke City Home
City Stone 3-Story Basement
Duke Island CastleExclusive Early Founder Rewards are only available to Backers who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013
Housing Items "Lord Forged" certificate DecorationExclusive Early Founder Rewards are only available to Backers who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013[8]
In-Game Items Duke CrownExclusive Early Founder Rewards are only available to Backers who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013
Physical Rewards Printed "Lord Forged" certificateExclusive Early Founder Rewards are only available to Backers who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013 signed by either Lord British or DarkStarr[8]
Bonuses VIP Round Table
Full tour of Portalarium
Design Discussion with Team
Custom Avatar HeadExclusive Early Founder Rewards are only available to Backers who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013[8]

Lord of the Manor[edit]

Lord of the Manor Pledge Package
Titles Archduke
Grand DukeExclusive Early Founder Rewards are only available to Backers who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013
Lord of the ManorExclusive Early Founder Rewards are only available to Backers who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013
Property Deed Upgrade to Rent Free Castle Deed
Housing Lord of the Manor City Home
Castle Stone 2-Story Basement
Grand Island Castle with KeepsExclusive Early Founder Rewards are only available to Backers who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013
In-Game Items Lord of the Manor CrownExclusive Early Founder Rewards are only available to Backers who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013
Physical Rewards Signed Castle Property DeedExclusive Early Founder Rewards are only available to Backers who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013
Original Copy of AkalabethExclusive Early Founder Rewards are only available to Backers who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013
Framed Copy of Akalabeth Cassette CoverExclusive Early Founder Rewards are only available to Backers who pledged any amount by May 20, 2013
Bonuses Tour of Britannia Manor

See also[edit]


  1. Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 User:Koldar's Rewards Spreadsheet
  2. Teachable Emotes:
  3. Star Citizen Item
  4. Jump up to: 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 [1]Pledge Reward Replacements
  5. Jump up to: 5.0 5.1 Must have pledge prior to July 31st, Update of the Avatar - 07/05/13
  6. [2]Pledge Reward Replacements
  7. Jump up to: 7.0 7.1 [3] Forum Post by Chaox
  8. Jump up to: 8.0 8.1 8.2 [4] Custom Avatar Head now Lord Forged Items