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Ring of Jones, Common

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Ring of Jones, Common
Ring of the Lich Kind icon.png
While clearly made of smooth gold, this ring seems to have fine white powder stuck to the outside that no amount of scrubbing can remove.
Durability: 50/50
Weight: 0
Item Effects
Increases Cooking

Ring of Jones, Common is an Artifact item.

Where Found[edit]

Ring of Jones, Common can be obtained from the Recover or Use Duplicate Key(s) daily quest in Lord British's Castle (Invasion). It can also be obtained as loot from corpses, barrels and sacks.[1]

Used in recipes

Item Skill Lvl Tool Recipe
Ring of the Lich Kind icon.pngRing of Jones, Uncommon Smelting icon.pngSmelting 1 Chisel icon.pngStone Chisel x 1
Ring of the Lich Kind icon.pngRing of Jones, Common x 4
Chunk of Coal icon.pngChunk of Coal x 100
Ancient Essence icon.pngAncient Essence x 1

See Also[edit]


Release 88 added various common artifacts from various sources:

  • Added the following Common version artifacts to the 4 dailies in Lord British’s Castle: Ring of Jones...
  • Common Ring of Jones added to loot tables for commoner corpses, barrels, and sacks.
