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Ring of Life, Common

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Ring of Life, Common
Ring of the Lich Kind icon.png
This simple ring made of white metal has the words, "Beatha" inscribed on it.
Durability: 130/130
Weight: 0
Value: Gold 125
Item Effects
+3 Life Attunement

Ring of Life, Common is an Artifact ring that increases Life Attunement.

Regarding modifications to artifact rings (such as the Ring of Life):

Used in recipes

Item Skill Lvl Tool Recipe
Copper Chain of Elemental Power icon.pngIron Chain of Mystic Power Blacksmithing icon.pngBlacksmithing 100 Smithing Hammer icon.pngSmithing Hammer x 1
Ring of the Lich Kind icon.pngRing of Death, Common x 1
Ring of the Lich Kind icon.pngRing of Life, Common x 1
Ring of the Lich Kind icon.pngRing of the Moon, Common x 1
Ring of the Lich Kind icon.pngRing of the Sun, Common x 1
Coil of Iron Wire.pngCoil of Iron Wire x 4
Ring of the Lich Kind icon.pngRing of Life, Uncommon Smelting icon.pngSmelting 1 Chisel icon.pngStone Chisel x 1
Smithing Hammer icon.pngSmithing Hammer x 1
Ring of the Lich Kind icon.pngRing of Life, Common x 4
Chunk of Coal icon.pngChunk of Coal x 100
Ancient Essence icon.pngAncient Essence x 1

Where Found[edit]

Ring of Life, Common can be obtained by completing the Daily Quest from Hyun and from Esmeralda. It is also found as loot in destructible crates.[1]

See Also[edit]


Release 88 added various common artifacts as rewards from quests and container drops:

  • Added Common Ring of Life as an additional reward to Hyun’s daily in Necropolis Barrens.
  • Added Common Ring of Life to Destructible Crate loot tables, and added one as an additional reward to Esmerelda’s tea leaf daily in Highvale Outskirts.
