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Focus Battery Necklace, Common

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Focus Battery Necklace, Common
Necklace icon.png
Durability: 130/130
Weight: 0
Value: Gold 125
Item Effects
+(100+(2*Adventure Level)) Focus
-4 Focus Per Second

Focus Battery Necklace, Common is an Artifact item.


Courier Ghost

Used in recipes

Item Skill Lvl Tool Recipe
Necklace icon.pngFocus Battery Necklace, Uncommon Smelting icon.pngSmelting 1 Chisel icon.pngStone Chisel x 1
Necklace icon.pngFocus Battery Necklace, Common x 4
Chunk of Coal icon.pngChunk of Coal x 100
Ancient Essence icon.pngAncient Essence x 1

See Also[edit]


Release 88 added various common artifacts as drops:

  • The Ghost Corpion now has a significant chance to drop a Common Focus Battery Artifact, and Ancient Essence, and a decent amount of Corpse Wax.
  • Common Focus Battery Necklace added to ghost loot tables, with increased chances given to higher tier ghosts. Also, T5 and above ghosts will drop increasingly additional amounts of Corpse Wax. Also, T5 and above ghosts now have a small chance to drop an ancient essence.
