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TorporLastseen: R109
Torpor icon.png
Skill: Earth Magic Glyph
Type: Active
Focus Cost: 10
Execution Time: 1 Second
Fizzle Chance: 0%
Prerequisite Skills: Earth's Embrace (Level 40)
Reagents: Garlic ×2
Mandrake Root ×2
Nightshade ×2
Learned From: Vonda

For a brief period of time, the caster will be immobilized and will gain significant Damage Avoidance. Then the caster will emerge in a more healthy state (with increased health regeneration and increased strength). Higher Earth Specialization results a greater reduction in agro, a longer duration of health recovery, a longer duration of strength buff, and a shorter knockback duration (i.e. it reduces the amount of time you are immobilized).


  • Cooldown: 29.8 seconds
  • 20% Chance to consume reagents
  • -50% Fizzle Chance From Equipment
  • +10 Knocked Back for 8 seconds
  • +25.5 Damage Avoidance for 8 seconds
  • Recover 3 - 7 Health every 2 seconds for 8 seconds
  • +10.1 Strength for 30.5 seconds
  • 100% Chance to decrease aggro by 1
  • +20% Resist Crowd Control on the caster for 30 seconds- The crowd control effect is applied to the caster. Resist crowd control will stack if the caster is stuned/knocked down/mesmerized/rooted/knocked back within 30 seconds of the previous stun/knockdown/mesmerize/root/knockback (i.e. the resist crowd control accumulates). Note: This crowd control effect is not stated in the Tooltip.

(effects increase with skill level)