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Earth Magic

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Earth Magic icon.png Earth Magic: Physical attacks with stun effects, crowd control. In lore and dialogue this may be referred to as Gaiaism.

Location of Master Earth Trainer[edit]

The master earth trainer is Vonda in Jaanaford. She is located in a cave behind the waterfall.

Earth Skills/Glyphs[edit]

Earth Skill Tree
Earth AttunementStone FistRootStone ArrowStrength of EarthSympathy of StoneShield of CrystalEarthquakeEarth's EmbraceBulwark of EarthSummon Earth ElementalTorporEarth Magic SpecializationAir Warding
About this image
Earth's Embrace
Increases damage resistance. Earth Specialization increases the duration.
Area of effect attack with a chance of knock down reduced by targets dexterity. Earth Specialization increases the knockdown duration and decreases the cast time (for details on how Earth Specialization effects this skill, see below).
Reduce targets movement speed. Duration based on the relative earth attunement levels, skill level, and the caster's strength. The duration of the root will be decreased based on the targets strength. Earth Specialization increases the duration of the root.
Shield of Crystal
Summons a shield of crystal that increases max health and increases earth attunement. Earth Specialization adds damage avoidance. This spell is considered a shield spell, and only one shield spell can be active at any given time.
Stone Arrow
Ranged earth attack that can ignore armor and gains bonus damage based on the caster's strength. Earth Specialization reduces cool down and cast time.
Stone Fist
Close range earth attack that gains bonus damage based on the caster's strength. Earth Specialization increases the stun duration, decreases the cooldown, and decreases the lock time.
Strength of Earth
Increases strength. Strength of earth will not stack with Air's Embrace or Enlightenment. Earth Specialization adds a buff to Encumbrance Capacity (i.e. it increases how much you can carry without being encumbered).
Summon Earth Elemental
Ths glyph will summon an Earth Elemental. Earth Magic Specialization increases the health, health regeneration, strength, damage, and resistance of the elemental.
For a brief period of time, the caster will be rooted (unable to move) and will gain significant Damage Avoidance. Then the caster will emerge in a more healthy state (with increased health regeneration and increased strength). Higher Earth Specialization results a greater reduction in agro, a longer duration of health recovery, a longer duration of strength buff, and a shorter knockback duration (i.e. it reduces the amount of time you are rooted).
Air Warding
Decreases air attunement, but increases air resistance. This skill is not effected by Earth Specialization.
Bulwark of Earth
Increases strength and damage resistance. This skill is not effected by Earth Specialization.
Earth Attunement
This is not a skill in of itself; it is a calculated value. A higher earth attunement increases the power of Earth skills and increases earth magic resistance.
Earth Magic Specialization
Earth Magic Specialization is the devotion of one's self to the school of Earth Magic. It increases earth attunement, decreases air resistance, and adds beneficial effects for all non-innate Earth Magic spells. NOTE: Only one Specialization skill may be trained and one additional skill maintained at any given time or two may be set to maintain. Enabling training for a different specialization skill may set a specialization skill currently set to maintain to unlearn.
Sympathy of Stone
Increases damage avoidance and max damage deflection. This skill is not effected by Earth Specialization.

Also See[edit]

External Reference[edit]