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User:Browncoat Jayson/Sandbox

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Itembox Testing[edit]

Working on Itembox query issues...

Query results: %

For some reason, the % sign is not showing up in an Infobox Item when pulling from a material or masterwork. However, it uses the same query as above, so it *should* work...

Additionally, the text for bonuses should appear in green, but instead always appears in white.

New Britannian Calendar[edit]

I've created a working Calendar model in New Britannian Calendar, however I believe there to be a bug in the current date displayed in the game. The date calculation for the base date (1/1/2013 @ midnight) is one day early, but all of the other dates are correct according to in-game date checks. This means the date should actually be one day later than it currently is listed. I have created a bug report.

The original date and cataclysm date are in UTC time, but the other dates are in Central Time. I've updated the calendar appropriately.

Testing Countdown extension as a way to show the current date in New Britannia.

That doesn't work. Looking for another way to refresh the template automatically, otherwise I'll create a external widget.

Skill pages to update[edit]

Absorb ImpactsR109
Aetheric FeedbackR109
Aimed ShotR109
Air's EmbraceR109
Animal CharmR109
Anthem of AlacrityR109
Atonal AriaR109
Banish UndeadR109
Bard InnateR74
Berserker's StanceR109
Blinding ArmorRemoved
Blinding ShotR109
Body SlamR109
Bolster BalanceR109
Break ArmorR109
Break WeaponR109
Celestial BlessingR109
Chain LightningR109
Chaos BoltR109
Chaos BombR109
Chaos StormRemoved
Chaotic BackdraftR28
Chaotic CloneR109
Chaotic FeedbackR109
Chaotic ShieldR109
Chaotic StepR109
Chorus of ConservationR74
Cleansing RainR90
Cocoon of NightR109
Concussive CanticleR76
Cone of ColdR109
Corpse ExplosionR109
Coup de GraceR109
Crushing BlowR109
Dazzling RaysR109
Death FieldR109
Death RayR109
Death ShieldR109
Death TouchR109
Defensive StanceR109
... further results
Air AttunementR89
Air Magic SpecializationR109
Air WardingR109
Alchemy MasteryR78
Alchemy ProficiencyR31
Ammo ScavengerR109
Armor EnchantmentR66
Armor PreservationR109
Armor Weak PointsR109
Bait RecoveryR28
Bard SpecializationR109
Batching Materials - ButcheryR50
Batching Materials - MillingR50
Batching Materials - SmeltingR50
Batching Materials - TanningR50
Batching Materials - TextilesR50
Bec de FauconR109
Beneficent BlessingR109
Blacksmithing Masterwork ProficiencyR110
Blacksmithing MasteryR78
Blacksmithing ProficiencyR28
Blacksmithing Repair ProficiencyR110
Blacksmithing Salvage ProficiencyR110
Blade SpecializationR109
Blade SpeedR109
Bladed CombatR109
Bludgeon CombatR109
Bludgeon SpecializationR109
Blue BloodedR109
Bulwark of EarthR109
Butchery ProficiencyR28
Carpentry Masterwork ProficiencyR31
Carpentry MasteryR78
Carpentry ProficiencyR28
Carpentry Repair ProficiencyR28
Carpentry Salvage ProficiencyR28
Chaos AttunementR31
Chaos ControlRemoved
Chaos Magic SpecializationR109
Collar RecoveryR109
Combat TrainingR109
Cooking ProficiencyR28
Death AttunementR90
... further results

A list of weapon damages[edit]

Two-Handed Mace of Elemental Slaying, Uncommon1032
Two-Handed Mace of Elemental Slaying, Common1031
Torc'Dawl's Basher1031
Torc'Dawl's Slicer1031
Iron Two-handed Hammer1031
... further results

A list of armor[edit]

Obsidian Plate Chest Armor79
Epic Plate Chest Quarter-Armor79
Epic Plate Chest Armor79
Augmented Plate Chest Quarter-Armor79
Augmented Plate Chest Armor79
... further results

Who sells Bass?[edit]

SotaMap List[edit]

from SotAMap: Adventure scenes of the New Britannia on the Shroud of the Avatar Forum

also, Player Town List and SotAMap: Cities of the New Britannia on the Shroud of the Avatar Forum

Material Bonuses[edit]

Material Bonus
Carapacian Cloth Straps 0.1% Spell Critical Chance
Cotton Cloth Straps 0.5% Focus
Fustian Cloth Straps 0.1% Focus
Hardened Leather Straps 0.2% Weapon Damage
Leather Straps 0.15 Combat Dodge Modifier
Supple Leather Straps 0.1% Weapon Critical Chance
Bronze Binding 0.1% Weapon Damage
0.3% Item Damage Resistance
Constantan Binding 0.1% Weapon Damage
0.5 Focus
Copper Binding 0.1% Weapon Damage
Iron Binding 0.3% Item Damage Resistance
Meteoric Iron Binding 0.3% Item Damage Resistance
0.3% Item Damage Resistance
White Iron Binding 0.3% Item Damage Resistance
0.5 Health
Bronze Dagger Blade 3% Weapon Critical Chance
4% Weapon Critical Damage
Constantan Dagger Blade 1% Spell Damage
Copper Dagger Blade 5% Weapon Critical Chance
Iron Dagger Blade 1 Weapon Damage
Meteoric Iron Dagger Blade 0.8 Weapon Damage
0.3 Damage Resistance
White Iron Dagger Blade 0.8 Weapon Damage
0.5 Damage Avoidance
Bronze Shortsword Blade 3% Weapon Critical Chance
4% Weapon Critical Damage
Constantan Shortsword Blade 1% Spell Damage
Copper Shortsword Blade 5% Weapon Critical Chance
Iron Shortsword Blade 1 Weapon Damage
Meteoric Iron Shortsword Blade 0.8 Weapon Damage
0.3 Damage Resistance
White Iron Shortsword Blade 0.8 Weapon Damage
0.5 Damage Avoidance
Bronze Longsword Blade 3% Weapon Critical Chance
4% Weapon Critical Damage
Constantan Longsword Blade 1% Spell Damage
Copper Longsword Blade 5% Weapon Critical Chance
Iron Longsword Blade 1 Weapon Damage
Meteoric Iron Longsword Blade 0.8 Weapon Damage
0.3 Damage Resistance
White Iron Longsword Blade 0.8 Weapon Damage
0.5 Damage Avoidance
Bronze Hand Axe Blade 3% Weapon Critical Chance
4% Weapon Critical Damage
Constantan Hand Axe Blade 1% Spell Damage
Copper Hand Axe Blade 5% Weapon Critical Chance
Iron Hand Axe Blade 1 Weapon Damage
Meteoric Iron Hand Axe Blade 0.8 Weapon Damage
0.3 Damage Resistance
White Iron Hand Axe Blade 0.8 Weapon Damage
0.5 Damage Avoidance
Bolt of Carapacian Cloth 1% Focus
0.2% Spell Critical Chance
Bolt of Cotton Cloth 1% Focus
Bolt of Fustian Cloth 1.5% Focus
Short Crimson Pine Bowstave 20 Focus
Short Grey Pine Bowstave 3% Weapon Critical Chance
1% Damage Avoidance
Short Hard Maple Bowstave 0.1 Damage Resistance
Short Maple Bowstave 5% Weapon Damage
Short Pine Bowstave 5% Weapon Critical Chance
Short Rock Maple Bowstave 5% Weapon Critical Damage
Long Crimson Pine Bowstave 20 Focus
Long Grey Pine Bowstave 3% Weapon Critical Chance
1% Damage Avoidance
Long Hard Maple Bowstave 0.1 Damage Resistance
Long Maple Bowstave 5% Weapon Damage
Long Pine Bowstave 5% Weapon Critical Chance
Long Rock Maple Bowstave 5% Weapon Critical Damage
Long Rock Maple Bowstave 5% Weapon Critical Damage
Carapacian Bow String 2.5% Spell Critical Chance
Cotton Bow String 5% Attack Speed
Fustian Bow String 5% Focus
Hardened Leather Bow String 10% Ranged Weapon Range
Leather Bow String 5% Weapon Critical Chance
Supple Leather Bow String 2.5% Weapon Critical Chance
Coil of Bronze Wire 0.5% Weapon Damage
1% Item Resistance
Coil of Constantan Wire 0.5% Weapon Damage
1 Focus
Coil of Copper Wire 0.5% Weapon Damage
Coil of Iron Wire 2% Item Resistance
Coil of Meteoric Iron Wire 2% Item Resistance
1% Item Resistance
Coil of White Iron Wire 2% Item Resistance
1 Health
Bronze Two-handed Sword Blade 6% Weapon Critical Chance
7% Weapon Critical Damage
Constantan Two-handed Sword Blade 2% Spell Damage
Copper Two-handed Sword Blade 10% Weapon Critical Chance
Iron Two-handed Sword Blade 2 Weapon Damage
Meteoric Iron Two-handed Sword Blade 1.6 Weapon Damage
0.6 Damage Resistance
White Iron Two-handed Sword Blade 1.6 Weapon Damage
1% Damage Avoidance
Bronze Great Axe Blade 6% Weapon Critical Chance
7% Weapon Critical Damage
Constantan Great Axe Blade 2% Spell Damage
Copper Great Axe Blade 10% Weapon Critical Chance
Iron Great Axe Blade 2 Weapon Damage
Meteoric Iron Great Axe Blade 1.6 Weapon Damage
0.6 Damage Resistance
White Iron Great Axe Blade 1.6 Weapon Damage
1% Damage Avoidance
Bronze Halberd Blade 6% Weapon Critical Chance
7% Weapon Critical Damage
Constantan Halberd Blade 2% Spell Damage
Copper Halberd Blade 10% Weapon Critical Chance
Iron Halberd Blade 2 Weapon Damage
Meteoric Iron Halberd Blade 1.6 Weapon Damage
0.6 Damage Resistance
White Iron Halberd Blade 1.6 Weapon Damage
1% Damage Avoidance
Crimson Pine Handle 5 Focus
Grey Pine Handle 0.5% Damage Avoidance
Hard Maple Handle 0% Damage Resistance
Maple Handle 1% Weapon Damage
Pine Handle 1% Weapon Critical
Rock Maple Handle 1% Weapon STR Damage
Crimson Pine Heartwood -10% Reagent Use
5% Focus
Grey Pine Heartwood -10% Reagent Use
1% Damage Avoid
Hard Maple Heartwood -10% Reagent Use
0.1 Damage Resistance
Maple Heartwood -10% Reagent Use
5% Spell Damage
Pine Heartwood -10% Reagent Use
2.5% Spell Critical
Rock Maple Heartwood -10% Reagent Use
7.5% Spell Crit Damage
Bronze Hilt 0.2% Critical Chance
Constantan Hilt 3 Focus
Copper Hilt 1% Critical Chance
Iron Hilt 0.1 Weapon Damage
Meteoric Iron Hilt 0.2 Weapon Damage
White Iron Hilt 0.2 Damage Avoidance
Bronze Sheet 0.5% Weapon Damage
1% Item Resistance
Constantan Sheet 0.5% Weapon Damage
1 Focus
Copper Sheet 0.5% Weapon Damage
Iron Sheet 2% Item Damage Resistance
Meteoric Iron Sheet 2% Item Damage Resistance
1% Item Damage Resistance
White Iron Sheet 2% Item Damage Resistance
0.67 Health
Yard of Hardened Leather 0.25 Combat Dodge
5% Weapon Damage
Yard of Leather 0.25 Combat Dodge
Yard of Supple Leather 0.25 Combat Dodge
2% Weapon Crit
Crimson Pine Pole Can poles still be made? Are spears still made with poles, or with handles?
Grey Pine Pole ?
Hard Maple Pole ?
Maple Pole ?
Pine Pole ?
Rock Maple Pole ?
Bronze Core Can cores still be made? Can wands be made with cores, or only heartwood?
Constantan Core ?
Copper Core ?
Iron Core ?
Meteoric Iron Core ?
White Iron Core ?
Bronze Heavy War Hammer Head 6% Weapon Critical Chance
7% Weapon Critical Damage
Constantan Heavy War Hammer Head 2% Spell Damage
Copper Heavy War Hammer Head 10% Weapon Critical Chance
Iron Heavy War Hammer Head 2 Weapon Damage
Meteoric Iron Heavy War Hammer Head 1.6 Weapon Damage
0.6 Damage Resistance
White Iron Heavy War Hammer Head 1.6 Weapon Damage
1% Damage Avoidance
Bronze Mace Head 3% Weapon Critical Chance
4% Weapon Critical Damage
Constantan Mace Head 1% Spell Damage
Copper Mace Head 5% Weapon Critical Chance
Iron Mace Head 1 Weapon Damage
Meteoric Iron Mace Head 0.8 Weapon Damage
0.3 Damage Resistance
White Iron Mace Head 0.8 Weapon Damage
0.5 Damage Avoidance
Bronze Spear Head 3% Weapon Critical Chance
4% Weapon Critical Damage
Constantan Spear Head 1% Spell Damage
Copper Spear Head 5% Weapon Critical Chance
Iron Spear Head 1 Weapon Damage
Meteoric Iron Spear Head 0.8 Weapon Damage
0.3 Damage Resistance
White Iron Spear Head 0.8 Weapon Damage
0.5 Damage Avoidance
Bronze Two-handed Mace Head 6% Weapon Critical Chance
7% Weapon Critical Damage
Constantan Two-handed Mace Head 2% Spell Damage
Copper Two-handed Mace Head 10% Weapon Critical Chance
Iron Two-handed Mace Head 2 Weapon Damage
Meteoric Iron Two-handed Mace Head 1.6 Weapon Damage
0.6 Damage Resistance
White Iron Two-handed Mace Head 1.6 Weapon Damage
1% Damage Avoidance
Bronze War Hammer Head 3% Weapon Critical Chance
4% Weapon Critical Damage
Constantan War Hammer Head 1% Spell Damage
Copper War Hammer Head 5% Weapon Critical Chance
Iron War Hammer Head 1 Weapon Damage
Meteoric Iron War Hammer Head 0.8 Weapon Damage
0.3 Damage Resistance
White Iron War Hammer Head 0.8 Weapon Damage
0.5 Damage Avoidance
Obsidian Sheet 1% Melee Damage Reflection
Obsidian Axe Blade 200% Weapon Damage vs Obsidians

Masterwork Bonuses[edit]

Exceptional (+50 Durability Bonus)
Masterwork Shield Proficiency Bonuses
-20 testudo move rate penalty
+2 combat block
+2 avoidance
20% shield bash stun rate
10% charge stun rate
20% charge stun length
Masterwork Chain Armor Proficiency Bonuses
Masterwork Plate Armor Proficiency Bonuses
+20% body slam stun length on chest
+10 glancing blow power and duration I think it was chest but might have been legs
+1% move rate on boots
+10% inner strength bonus on gloves
+1% attack speed bonus on gloves
-25% heavy skill tree focus on helm
(does not give value) stun resistance helm
Masterwork Cloth Armor Proficiency Bonuses
Masterwork Leather Armor Proficiency Bonuses
+10% dodge power and duration on legs
+10% evasion power and duration on chest
+3% attack speed on gloves
+10% flurry power and duration on gloves
+3% move rate on boots
+10% sprint power and duration
+30 focus regen on helm (insane ability)
-25% light armor tree skill focus cost
Masterwork Ranged Weapon Proficiency Bonuses
+5% rapid fire damage
+5% multishot damage
+10% piercing shot damage
+10% aimed shot damage
+10% disabling shot duration
+10% disabling shot slow
+10% blinding shot power and duration
+10% blinding shot damage
Masterwork Bludgeon Weapon Proficiency Bonuses
+10% crushing blow
+3% crushing blow stun rate
+10% break armor damage
+10% break armor power and duration
+10% knockdown damage
+10% knockback damage
Masterwork Polearm Weapon Proficiency Bonuses
+10% pull range
+10% pull damage
+10% push damage
+10% puncture damage
+10% spin attack damage
+10% skewer damage
+3% skewer root chance
+10% skewer root duration
+10% leg sweep damage
+3 leg sweep chance
Masterwork Blade Weapon Proficiency Bonuses
Coup De Grace Power, +10% Coup De Grace Damage, -15 Durability Bonus
Double Slash Power, +10% Double Slash Damage, -15 Durability Bonus
Rend Length, +10% Rend Length, -15 Durability Bonus
Rend Power, +10% Rend Damage, -15 Durability Bonus
Riposte Defense Power, +10% Riposte Defense Power and Duration, -15 Durability Bonus
Riposte Power, +10% Riposte Damage, -15 Durability Bonus
Thrust Power, +10% Thrust Damage, -15 Durability Bonus
Weapon Critical Damage, +5% Weapon Critical Damage, -10 Durability Bonus
Weapon Critical, +2% Weapon Critical Chance, -10 Durability Bonus
Weapon Damage, +2.5% Weapon Damage, -10 Durability Bonus
Weapon Strength Damage, +2.5 Weapon Strength Damage, -10 Durability Bonus
Whirling Blades Power, +10% Whirling Blades Damage, -15 Durability Bonus

Enchantment Bonuses[edit]

Gem Enchantment[edit]

Enchantment Proficiency
Minor Strength, +2 Str
Minor Intelligence, +2 Int
Minor Dexterity, +2 Dex
Minor Focus, +10 Focus (-10 durability)
Minor Health, +10 HP (-10 durability)
Strength, +4 Str
Intelligence, +4 Int
Dexterity, +4 Dex
Focus, +20 Focus (-20 durability)
Health, +20 HP (-20 durability)
Atenism Gem
10% chance on hit to cast Searing Ray
10% chance on hit to cast Blind
Light (R32[1])
Gaiaism Gem
On Hit: (10%) Tremor (-40 durability)
+15% Obsidian Arrow strength damage
+10% Strength of Earth bonus
+? Weapon Strength Damage
Lunaism Gem
15% shadow form length
7.5% night step range
Necromancy Gem
On Hit: (10%) Drain Life (1-8 health) (40 dur)
+15% Death Ray strength damage
+20% Corpse Explosion Damage
Sorcery Gem
Fire Damage, +2.5% Fire Damage (? dur)
+10% Fire Range
On Hit: (10%) Ignite
Tempestry Gem
+10% Soothing Rain healing (-20 durability)
10% Ice Arrow damage
Theurgy Gem
On Hit: (10%) Discharge
+15% Discharge Damage
On Hit: (10%) Air's Embrace
Thaumaturgy Gem
On Hit: (100%) Banish Undead
+2.5% Life Magic

Jewel Enchantment[edit]

Enchantment Proficiency
Minor Strength, +2 Str
Minor Intelligence, +2 Int
Minor Dexterity, +2 Dex
Minor Focus, +10 Focus (-10 durability)
Minor Health, +10 HP (-10 durability)
Atenism Jewel
+12.5% Blistering Ray Damage
+1% Sun Strength Chance
Light (R32[2])
Gaiaism Jewel
+7.5% Tremor Damage
+0.5 Root Range
Lunaism Jewel
+1% Deadly Night Chance
+5% Deadly Night Power
Necromancy Jewel
+5% Summoned Death Creature
+7.5% Drain Health
Sorcery Jewel
+1% Weapon Swiftness
+1.5% Ignite Chance
Tempestry Jewel
+3% Douse Power Duration
+5% Summoned Water Creature Damage
Theurgy Jewel
+12.5% Galvanize Blast Damage
+1% Gust Chance
Thaumaturgy Jewel
+5% Banish Undead
+1% Mend Chance

POT Locations[edit]

A'doe TrunalorCentral Brittany
Aelasar's ForestSlangeholle
Aerie Centre ExchangeImmediately Outside Aerie
Aerie CoveGrunvald
Ahnen HainUnknown
Alaric's HoldingSlangemagge
AldeniaHidden Vale
Alphaine's AcademiaUnknown
Alynne's RestPerennial Coast
Amour and SerenusOrdinis Mortis
Anrose's RestHidden Vale
Antilles CoveUnknown
Artemis OutlandPerennial Coast
Arx DraconisUnknown
Arx Draconis AnnexSlangemagge
Arx Draconis LowlandsUnknown
Ashiya HamaSlangemagge
AstrumSpindrift Bay
Avanish HopeDrachvald
AyensNorth Paladis
B'azaar of the B'izarreSlangemagge
Badger HollowMidmaer
Barrataria BayUnknown
Bastion's PointVerdantis
Belly of the SnakeCantabrigia
Beran's ReachUnknown
BeregostHidden Vale
Black Mesa EastUnknown
Blackrock CoveQuel
Blackstone BluffSouth Paladis
Blackstone GateUnknown
Blue Rose IsleQuel
Bodega of BloodUnknown
BorderlandPort Titan
Braeside CastleSouth Paladis
BravehavenNorth Paladis
Breaker's LandingMidmaer
Breath of FireUnknown
Britt MartRegalis
Brittany FortRegalis
Brittany ShoresUnknown
Broken GroundSlangemagge
CICI’s BazaarUnknown
Caden BenUnknown
Caelestis CantonRegalis
Caer DracwychNorth Paladis
Candlelight StrongholdSlangemagge
Cape HavocUnknown
CassiopeiaPerennial Coast
Castle AnthraxJade Valley
Castle BaratariaUnknown
Celestial GardensSpindrift Bay
Celina's HillUnknown
Central CityUnknown
Chao InsulaInsulam de Nocte
Chaos CavernsUnknown
Chaos CrossroadsHidden Vale
Chaos ar' mori'elen ten'oioSlangemagge
Chateau du LysHidden Vale
Chiron Beta PrimeDrachvald
Christophs PerchVerdantis
Clew BayUnknown
Constitutio ChaosUnknown
Cooper ShoalsUnknown
Copper LakeUnknown
Coral CityHidden Vale
Coral MarketsUnknown
Corvus PeakNorgard
Cottage GroveSouth Paladis
Covenant of the PhoenixUnknown
Crossroads AlleysGrunvald
Crossroads EstatesGrunvald
Crossroads LandingSlangemagge
Crystal CoveUnknown
Da New PitmuckPaxLair
Dara BraeCantabrigia
Dark BayouNorgard
Dark CavernsNorgard
Dark HartUnknown
Darkshire HillsGrunvald
Dawn's KeepRegalis
Dead HorseSouthern Grunvald
Den of DeliriumHidden Vale
Devil's LairSlangemagge
Diamond FieldsPort Phoenix
DogopolisPerennial Coast
Drachenenfelser UnterweltDrachvald
Dragomir MoriLongfall
Dragon HoldPerennial Coast
Dragon's HollowSpindrift Bay
Dragon's ReachUnknown
Dragon's RestNorth Paladis
Dragons WatchPaxLair
Dragon’s HollowUnknown
Dreigiau DiweddLongfall
East PortPerennial Coast
En NoxElysium
EnclavePerennial Coast
Erana's PeaceUnknown
Estate D’LaRoseNovia
Evergreen FarmUnknown
FairytalePerennial Coast
Fallin' GreenArdoris
Falling Waters FortressRegalis
Far GreenSlangemagge
Fels' FreeholdNorgard
Fet CityUnknown
FlintSouth Paladis
Flowing Waters ForestUnknown
Forgewright MinesMidmaer
Forlorn PeakUnknown
Forth MaeRegalis
FoundationNorth Paladis
Fox KeepUnknown
Freyr's TownGrunvald
GlenraasPerennial Coast
Gobi RoseGrunvald
Golden CovePaxLair
GoldfieldHidden Vale
Granite GardensGrunvald
Gravewater ShoresUnknown
Great Reed AlphaNorgard
Grumpie Hermit's Hide-a-wayRegalis
Gypsy Mary
Hatter's EstatesRegalis
Haunted Keep of MistrendurUnknown
Haunted Keep of SolaniaPerennial Coast
Haven RidgePerennial Coast
Haven ridgePerennial Coast
Hawker's RetreatUnknown
Hawkwind HarborHidden Vale
Hen FelinBrisach River
Hero MarketUnknown
Highland Keep of Clan MacDaddySoltown
Hitomi's RespiteGrunvald
HollaimNorth Paladis
Honor HoldQuel
Horned SocietyNorgard
Illusive PassageSerpent's Spine
Immortal CitySlangemagge
Inselberg WastesUnknown
Insulam de NocteUnknown
Iron GateUnknown
Isla de MuertaSlangemagge
Islands of WondersPaxLair
Isle of ApplesUnknown
Isle of Jala's SongBritt Mart
Isle of ValhallaNorth Paladis
Islet of LongSlangehodde
Italian militumUnknown
Jade GardensMistrendur
Jade IslandHidden Vale
Jade MountainsSlangeholle
Jade ValleyElysium
Jagged HoldQuel
James's Isle of HopeGrunvald
Jamestown Memorial IsleGrunvald
Jeffrey PointUnknown
Johnna's BluffSouth Paladis
Journeys EndLongfall
Justice HoldUnknown
KahliHidden Vale
Knight's BastionPerennial Coast
Knight's RetreatKingsport
Knight's WatchHidden Vale
Knightmare FallsMistrendur
Kookie LandMidmaer
KristopiaCentral Brittany
Lake CusaboNorth Paladis
Lancermane StrongholdUnknown
Le Chateau RougeUnknown
Light CitySpindrift Bay
Lightbringer IsleUnknown
Little ItalyLongfall
Litwarf HirdSlangemagge
LlanvierNorth Paladis
Luna CityRegalis
Lux SanctuaryMidmaer
LyonesseHidden Vale
Lys MarketSlangemagge
M'hul IslandNorgard
Maiden's BlushUnknown
MalficiumSouth Paladis
Malum ImmortuiElysium
Mara MestaQuel
Meadow's EdgeSlangemagge
MediolanumHidden Vale
Merri's HideawayElysium
MetallicusOrdinis Mortis
Mistrendur RuinsSlangemagge
Mith Ly’atharinGrunvald
Mith'ril Un'derdarcPerennial Coast
MoongladeNorth Paladis
Moonshine DistrictUnknown
Moonshire DownsNorth Paladis
Mt. ArigatouUnknown
MysteriaSpindrift Bay
Mystic IsleSpindrift Bay
NauvooPerennial Coast
Nebula ForgeMidmaer
New AddingtonGoti
New Britannia Swap MeetUnknown
New Britannian MarketRegalis
New FawnNaryad Channel
New HeavenUnknown
New VesperSoltown
Nido dell’AquilaUnknown
NivenshirePerennial Coast
Noshima IslandCantabrigia
Novia MarketRegalis
Novia regions
OasisSouth Paladis
Obsidian RidgeUnknown
OceaniaPerennial Coast
Old Penshire WharfUnknown
Olde HavenUnknown
Oracle OasisUnknown
Ordinis MortisGrunvald
Organized Chaos SanctumSpindrift Bay
Outlander Welcome CenterPerennial Coast
Owl's RestHidden Vale
Painted CavesUnknown
Paradise ValleyBrittany Fields
PaxLair CitizensPaxLair
PaxLair GuardsPaxLair
PaxLair/Building Plan
PaxLair/Education and Training
PaxLair/Release 10
PaxLair/Release 11
PaxLair/Release 12
PaxLair/Release 6
PaxLair/Release 7
PaxLair/Release 7/Town Hall
PaxLair/Release 8
PaxLair/Release 9
PaxLair/Sunset Rock
PaxLair/Town Hall
Paxlair stage r7 matthew garbett lb.jpg
Paxlair stage r7 matthew garbett.jpg
Paxlair stage r7 night.jpg
Paxlair stage r7.jpg
Paxlair town hall r5a.jpg
Paxlair town hall r5b.jpg
Paxlair town hall r6a.jpg
Paxlair town hall r6b.jpg
Paxlair town hall r7 floor1a.jpg
Paxlair town hall r7 floor1b.jpg
Paxlair town hall r7 floor1c.jpg
Paxlair town hall r7 floor2a.jpg
Paxlair town hall r7 floor2b.jpg
Paxlair town hall r7 welcome quest.jpg
Paxlair town hall r7.jpg
Phoenix FieldsElysium
Phoenix HavenMistrendur
Pirate's HideoutUnknown
Player Owned Town City Lot DeedUnknown
Player Owned Town Row Lot DeedUnknown
Player Owned Town Town Lot DeedUnknown
Player Owned Town Village Lot DeedUnknown
Player Owned Town Water City Lot Deed
Player Owned Town Water Town Lot Deed
Player Owned Town Water Village Lot DeedUnknown
Port Arx DraconisSouth Paladis
Port LihanUnknown
Port PhoenixElysium
Port RoyalUnknown
Quel Regional MarketQuel
Radio CityVerdantis
RajazelPerennial Coast
Rampage IslandSpindrift Island
Rats NestNorgard
Rats Nest CatacombsUnknown
Rauchbier PlatzUnknown
Red Hook CavernsUnknown
Reed's GlenLongfall
Reef of the OccultUnknown
Refugees HavenPerennial Coast
Refugees HideoutUnknown
Rift's EndNorth Paladis
Rift's LegacyUnknown
Riptown CreekSlangemagge
Rock RidgeSlangemagge
Rockslyde ShoresMidmaer
S Mart FactoriumUnknown
Salisbury PlainsMidmaer
Sanctus SolusSpindrift Island
Sanguine StandLongfall
Sawtooth HollowSawtooth Mountains
Saxon's LandingPerennial Coast
Sea Bear's Black MarketSlangemagge
Sean Silverfoot
Sentinel StandSlangemagge
Sequanna's PeaceUnknown
Serenity IsleSpindrift Bay
Serenity's EdgeGrunvald
Serpent's HoldNorth Paladis
Serpent's WatchMidmaer
Shadow's RestNorgard
Shadowwood ForestUnknown
Shangri LaUnknown
Shearwater IslandPerennial Coast
Shogun RidgeRegalis
Sidus ClarumUnknown
SikenHidden Vale
Silent AscentUnknown
Silk RoadGrunvald
Silver Springs MarketSlangemagge
Silverdale MarketRegalis
Silverglade OutpostGreyStone
Siren Song BayouUnknown
Sirens CoveUnknown
Sleepy HollowGrunvald
Snug HarborLongfall
Soltowns HarvestPerennial Coast
Somnium MalaUnknown
Soryn FieldsSouth Paladis
Sparrowhawk RunSlangemagge
Stinging Tree HollowHidden Vale
Stonemasons DeepUnknown
Storm's EndUnknown
Storms EndUnknown
Stormsong ValeNorth Paladis
Sunsetrock winfield lordbritish.jpg
Taht Al'ardUnknown
Taht Al’ardUnknown
Tara's RestUnknown
Tax Free Player Owned Town Castle Lot Deed
Tax Free Player Owned Town City Lot Deed
Tax Free Player Owned Town Keep Lot Deed
Tax Free Player Owned Town Row Lot Deed
Tax Free Player Owned Town Town Lot Deed
Tax Free Player Owned Town Village Lot Deed
Tempest ReefLongfall
TenebraeIsland next to Aerie (nested)
Terreg WisUnknown
Thapae MizellmistUnknown
The Barren ShoresSlangemagge
The BarrowlandsUnknown
The Caverns Under NeathSlangeholle
The Caverns of KahliUnknown
The DepthSlangemagge
The DevereuxUnknown
The Drowned MountainsElysium
The Fields of MiseryUnknown
The HighlandsVerdantis
The Severed IslePerennial Coast
The Time TunnelUnknown
The UndershireUnknown
The VoidUnknown
The WildwoodsUnknown
Traveller's RestSlangemagge
Treasure IslandUnknown
Twilight SparkleHidden Vale
Twin TradersUnknown
Ullr RidgeUlfheim
Umbra RegnumPerennial Coast
Vale St. JulieUnknown
... further results

The part "]]" of the query was not understood.</br>Results might not be as expected.

Command Line Parameters[edit]

Per Markee Dragon's post, it appears that SotA can use at least some of the standard Unity parameters. I'll add these to a technical article at some point.

Parameter Function
-adapter N Use the specified graphics adapter
-force-d3d9 Use DirectX 9
-force-d3d11 Use DirectX 11
-force-d3d11-no-singlethreaded Use DirectX 11 without singlethreaded
-force-opengl Use OpenGL
-force-glcore Use GLCore
-nolog Prevent output of a log file
-popupwindow Open in borderless mode
-screen-fullscreen N Open fullscreen (1) or windowed (0)
-screen-height N Open with specified height (must be valid)
-screen-width N Open with specified width (must be valid)
-screen-quality N Override video quality (i.e., Fastest, Beautiful)
-single-instance Allow only one instance of the game to run at the time


Wikify the riddles from the Facebook/Twitter SotA account:

On my face an olden look
On my chest a sacred book
Runic writing on my hood
All my life for truth I stood[3]

SotA Math[edit]

Wikify the equations that Chris provided:


Split Vendor and Merchant[edit]