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Non-Combat Activities That Can Be Done Repetitively & That Offer Rewards

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There are 3 main types of non-combat activities that you can do over-and-over to obtain rewards of gold, Adventure Experience points, and Producer Experience points (and sometimes Artifacts and/or other useful or rare items).

  • Daily Quests - these are mini-quests that can be done every 24 hours.
  • Daily Tasks - these are essentially the same Daily Quests in that they can be done every 24 hours, but they are not really quests per se.
  • Repeatable Quests - these are quests that can be performed as many times per day as you want (i.e. there is no "cool down" before you can repeat the quest).

The daily quests and daily tasks are reset at 6:00pm CST (7:00PM CDT in Daylight Savings Time).

All of the activities listed above are completely optional.

Performing these activities on a routine basis is an easy way to gain gold, experience points, Artifacts, and other useful items.

General Information[edit]

Once you have obtained a quest, you usually do not need to speak to the quest-giver each time before you do the quest in the future. For example, if you have already received the "Get Tea Leaves" quest from Esmeralda in Highvale Outskirts, then you can go directly to get the Tea leaves (without talking to Esmeralda first) and then give the leaves to Esmeralda.

Also, most quests that award experience points will also award gold. However, there are a few activities that award only experience points or award only gold (and when this is the case, I have tried to specify it in the tables below).

Info on the Tables Below[edit]

Most of the listings in these tables are click-able links to the relevant wiki pages.

XP REWARD - This column refers to the amount of experience points (XP) awarded during standard XP rates (XP reward will be twice as much during double XP periods). Also, the amount shown is added to your Adventure Experience pool and to your Producer Experience pool. Unless specified otherwise, a gold reward is given with the XP reward.

DIFFICULTY - The difficulty category in the tables below is a subjective opinion on whether a solo player could accomplish the activity without getting killed. Sometimes a quest may occur inside a high tier zone, but the quest can be easily accomplished because the avatar can avoid hostile creatures. Also, a quest can occur in a low tier zone, but the quest causes you to encounter the few high level creatures in the zone (Note that the zone's difficulty tier is an average of all the creatures inside. So, low level zones can contain high level creatures, and vise versa).

Activities That Award Artifacts (in addition to gold and experience points)[edit]

this table is under construction
Location Quest Quest Type Artifact Reward XP Reward Difficulty
Lord British's Castle (Invasion) Recover or Use Duplicate Key(s) Key #1 Daily Quest Ring of Jones, Common 25,600 Easy
Lord British's Castle (Invasion) Recover or Use Duplicate Key(s) Key #2 Daily Quest Belt of the Brutal Butcher, Common 40,960 Medium
Lord British's Castle (Invasion) Recover or Use Duplicate Key(s) Key #3 Daily Quest Belt of the Patient Harvester, Common 53,248 Hard
Lord British's Castle (Invasion) Recover 3 Encoded Cards Daily Quest Ring of Chrysopoeia, Common 65,828 Hard
Necropolis Barrens Recover 5 Love Letters Daily Quest Ring of Life, Common 40,960 Easy
Highvale Outskirts Get Tea Leaves Daily Quest Ring of Life, Common 16,000 Easy
Highvale Outskirts Get Special Animal Hide Daily Quest Thimble of Evelyn, Common 16,000 Easy
Yew Deliver Rune Bag Daily Quest Maple Band, Common 16,000 (& 3 Elven Brandy) Easy
Ardoris Caravaggios Wolf Wants 5 Paintings Daily Quest Ring of Cat's Grace, Common 25,600 Easy
Ardoris 5 Paintings for Stephanie Broadmeadow Daily Quest Ring of the Mouse, Common 16,000 Easy
Ardoris Timothy Wants 3 Bones Daily Quest Ring of Death, Common 53,248 Medium 
Tenebris Harbor Bring Both Toenails to Ritualist Daily Quest Pax Ring, Common 61,236 (& 3 Kobold Spirits) Medium
Tanglemire Bring Bone to Erla Daily Quest Belt of the Ox, Common 61,236 Easy
Tanglemire Get Bag of Runestones Daily Quest Ring of the Moon, Common 61,236 Easy
Tanglemire Give Amulet to Banker Daily Quest Two-Handed Mace of Elemental Slaying, Common 16,000 Easy
Spindelskog (Normal) Find Spindelskog Runestone Daily Quest Shard of Night, Common 53,248 Medium
Town Sieges Collect Arcane Catalyst Daily Quest Shield of Attraction, Common 106,496 Hard
Jotungrund Ignite Signal Fire & Deliver Wymond's Marker Daily Quest Ice Hammer of Jotungrund, Common 65,828 Medium to Hard
Broochash Give Umberjack's Note to Witzke Daily Quest Cutlass of the Swashbuckler, Common 10,000 Easy
Ulfheim Get Dragon Tooth Daily Quest Crossbow of Accuracy, Common 61,236 Hard
Roving Encounter Survey Ticket Repeatable Quest Ring of the Frogkin, Common 25,600 Varies
Roving Encounter Prayer Card Repeatable Quest Necklace of Civility, Common 25,600 Varies
Roving Encounter Bounty Slip Repeatable Quest Sword of Speed, Common 25,600 Varies
Storehouse Containers Turn in Various Items Daily Task Sometimes a Random Artifact is Awarded

16,000 Common 25,600 Uncommon

This column refers to the amount of experience points (XP) awarded during standard XP rates. The XP reward will be twice as much during double XP periods. Also, the amount shown is added to your Adventure Experience pool and to your Producer Experience pool. Unless specified otherwise, a gold reward is given with the XP reward.
When the seasonal creature spawns for these quests, then the difficulty increases to HARD.

Activities That Award Unique/Rare Non-artifact Items (in addition to gold and experience points)[edit]

this table is incomplete and under construction
Location Quest Quest Type Reward (other than gold & XP) XP Reward Difficulty
Necropolis Barrens Give Dead Body to Davropos Daily Quest Elixir of Longevity 16,000 Easy
Spite Give Another Coffin to Shimzu Daily Quest Elixir of Potency 16,000 Easy
Castle Atos Deliver Charm to Huntmaster Daily Quest 16,000 Easy
Castle Atos Give Ingredients to Grill Chef Daily Quest sometimes Glazed Grilled Carrots deco, awarded seasonally 16,000 Easy
Castle Atos Give Ingredients to Bakery Chef Daily Quest sometimes Pumpkin Pie deco, awarded seasonally 16,000 Easy
Jotungrund Ignite Signal Fire & Deliver Wymond's Marker Daily Quest 65,828 Hard
Ulfheim Ask Kaiser About "Egg" Daily Quest The book "Alchemical Study of Dragon Eggs" No XP & no gold Easy
Various Scenes Bring Undelivered Mail to Town Crier Repeatable Quest One-time award of each: Air Magic Print, Earth Magic Print, Fire Magic Print, Water Magic Print  16000 Easy
Wishing Well (Scene) Toss a Gold Coin in the Wishing Well Repeatable Quest § Sometimes a Book or Fireworks No XP & no gold Easy
Storehouse Containers Turn in Various Items Daily Task Various items (which may include Artifacts, all tiers of Book of Learning, deco, seeds, crafting materials, etc.)

16,000 Common 25,600 Uncommon

Aerie, Central Brittany, Mud, Resolute, Valhold, & Westend Courage Club Daily Quest for the turn-ins, but you can fight in courage club as many times per day as you want. Commemorative Bronze Coin or 16,000 XP Δ Banner of Valor for defeating 5th opponent (one-time award) Easy to Medium
Commemorative Silver Coin or 53,248 XP Δ Medium to Hard
Commemorative Gold Coin or 65,828 XP Δ Hard
Blood Bay, Broochash, Celestis, Goti, Etceter, Fortus End, & Kingsport Sneak Scene Daily Quest for the turn-ins, but you can sneak in this scene as many times per day as you want. Commemorative Wooden Coin or 16,000 XP Δ Banner of Courage for getting to 4th room (one-time award) Easy
Commemorative Copper Coin or 53,248 XP Δ Medium
Commemorative Iron Coin or 65,828 XP Δ Medium


This column refers to the amount of experience points (XP) awarded during standard XP rates. The XP reward will be twice as much during double XP periods. Also, the amount shown is added to your Adventure Experience pool and to your Producer Experience pool. Unless specified otherwise, a gold reward is given with the XP reward.
These are all foods that increase skill learning speed.
The first few times you do this quest, you will get one magic print (you can only get one of each print, and there are 4 in total: Air Magic Print, Earth Magic Print, Fire Magic Print, Water Magic Print). After receiving a full set of these magic prints, you will not receive any more magic prints, but you will still be rewarded with gold and experience points.
§ You can toss a coin in the well as many times as you want per a day until you receive a reward. After you receive a reward, there is a 7 day cool down before you can toss another coin in the well.
Δ Each time you turn in your coins, you can opt for either the XP reward or the commemorative coin (but cannot get both at the same time).

Activities That Award Only Gold and/or Experience Points and/or Mundane Items[edit]

this table is incomplete and under construction
Location Quest Quest Type XP Reward Difficulty
Grusk Return for Another Story Daily Quest 40,960 (no gold) Easy
Grusk Offer Help to Kortreek Again Daily Quest 53,248 Easy
Ulfheim Use or Sell Runestone Daily Quest 40,960 Hard
The Obsidian Panopticon Deliver Package to Prisoner & Deliver note to Middleman Daily Quest 65,828 Hard
Well of Aldur Get Fragments for Aeronaut Daily Quest 61,236 Medium to Hard
Well of Aldur Smalls wants Aldurite Crystal Fragments Daily Quest 61,236 Medium to Hard
Well of Aldur Get Amulet of Testimony Daily Quest 65,828 Hard
The Outlaws' Run Find Seeds in Piles of Leaves Daily Quest 40,960 Easy to Medium
Jotungrund Kill Wolf, Take Tongue Daily Quest 65,828 Hard
Vikland Retrieve Vikland Amulet of Testimony Daily Quest 40,960 Medium
Port Harmony Greet 4 Distracted Visitors, Tell Minister About Visitors, & Trade Avowal to Guild Registrar Daily Quest 25,600 Easy
Port Harmony Give Reusable Wrapping Paper Once a Week No XP (gives 200-250 gold, possibly Bark Bread or a common potion) Easy
Blood River Outskirts Recover Heirloom for Vinicius Repeatable Quest ? Easy
Solace Bridge Outskirts Recover Heirlooms for Corporal Heloise Repeatable Quest ? Easy
Various Scenes Bring Undelivered Mail to Town Crier Repeatable Quest 16000 Easy
Various Scenes Deliver the mail Repeatable Quest No XP (gives 250 gold) Easy
Oracle Confirmatory Take the "Test" & answer questions correctly Daily Task 10,000 Easy
This column refers to the amount of experience points (XP) awarded during standard XP rates. The XP reward will be twice as much during double XP periods. Also, the amount shown is added to your Adventure Experience pool and to your Producer Experience pool. Unless specified otherwise, a gold reward is given with the XP reward.
Each day, you can turn in 20 fragments to Rodney Czervik and 20 fragments to Professor Thaddaeus Smalls (so you can get 2 rewards each day from turning in fragments, i.e. 2 x 61,236 XP). These quest may effect your avatar's virtue (although this has not been confirmed). It seems that giving 20 fragments to Rodney Czervik may have a positive impact on your avatar's virtue, while giving 20 fragments to Professor Thaddaeus Smalls may have a negative impact on your avatar's virtue.
The first few times you do this quest, you will get one magic print (you can only get one of each print, and there are 4 in total: Air Magic Print, Earth Magic Print, Fire Magic Print, Water Magic Print). After receiving a full set of these magic prints, you will not receive any more magic prints, but you will still be rewarded with gold and experience points.